Day in the Park

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A few days pasted after the events of our Mario Kart game. Rita came over and we decided to spend a few hours outside. We walked to the nearby park. Normally it was crowded with little kids but today it was deserted, we got onto the swing set and competed to see who could jump out the farthest. To no surprise of mine, Rita was the victor. I was bored and thought Rita needed to be embarrassed again. While she was brushing off the bark from when she landed I snuck up behind her and reached down to grab her panties. This time Rita was expecting it and turned quickly out of my reach.
"Whatcha think you're doing?" She said playfully.
"Nothing...just thought I have a bit of fun." I responded.
"I think you want to get a good look at my undies." Said with a giggle.
"Alright." Rita bent over slightly presenting her behind towards me. "Let's see what you got."
I was shocked that Rita was willingly accepting her wedgie this time, maybe she really did enjoy it last time. Unable to turn down the invitation, I stepped close and reached into the back of her denim shorts and gripped the waistband of her panties. I gave a firm tank and Rita groaned as her black panties were up to her shoulder blades. I started to bounce her a little and nearly broke out into uncontrollable laughter at the sight. Rita's hands went to the front of her shorts and the fabric was lodged in between her legs and butt. I released her panties and let the snap back leaving them bunched up outside her shorts. Rita didn't fix her wedgie but instead looked over her shoulder to inspect the damage.
"Dang Jeremy, they're up there really good." She laughed.
"Maybe you should keep it like that." I suggested.
"And what? And show the whole world my panties? Uh-uh."
Rita shoved her panties back into her shorts and we headed back to my house. I couldn't help but notice her panties were still sticking out a little but decided not the tell her. It was too enjoyable of sight to ruin. The house was empty when we arrived and we plopped on the couch to see what was on. After searching through the channels I got the nerve to ask Rita what had been on my mind the whole time.
"So Rita, why'd you let me give you a wedgie in the park?" I asked nervously.
"Dunno, I kinda liked it. It hurts but in a good kinda way." Rita was like that, she never was afraid to speak her mind.
"I like it too. Maybe we could over kinds of wedgies...if you'd like."
"Sounds like fun." She said.
I reached over and gave her panties a small tug and Rita let out a small squeak. She punched my shoulder lightly and said that was enough fun for one day.

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