Zoey's Turn

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Rita's POV:

I woke up the next morning, Zoey lay next to me still asleep. I grinned at my unconscious victim as I slid the bedsheets down. I then tugged Zoey's sweatpants down as well and got a good grip of her undies. I gave them a hard yank and ogled the sight of her panties sliding quickly between her butt cheeks. Zoey let out and groan and start to giggle when she realized what was happening.

"Rita...ow! Please..." She said groggily.

"Morning Zo!" I said cheerfully

I released her panties and we both got ready for the day. While Zoey was still in the shower, I started to pack my things. I was standing in my tank top and panties when Zoey came out wrapped in a white towel. I was bent over placing my clothes in my backpack when felt my undies yanked hard up my butt. I squealed as I was on my tippy-toes.

Zoey's mom then came into the room and was shocked to find her daughter with her hands full of my panties.

"Well I came to let you girls know breakfast was about ready." She laughed.

Zoey and I turned our heads, my face turned red and I could tell Zoey was concerns as well but still had a firm grip of my underwear.

"Need any help there Rita?" She asked. "Let even things out."

She came over and ripped Zoey's towel off leaving her stark naked. Zoey tried covering herself but her mom then grabbed her around the waist and began spanking her bare bottom. Zoey released me and I watched as Zoey's cute little tush turned a nice shade of pink. Zoey giggled and cried out begging her mom to cease. She let her daughter go and Zoey began rubbing her poor tush. Zoey's mom turned to me and pulled my panties up and gave me a few swats.

"Alright girls, that's enough horsing around for now. Better get your butts downstairs if you want a hot breakfast."

"Okay." I said red faced and bewildered by what had just happened. Zoey nodded as she started to get dressed.

She then left the room and headed downstairs. I looked at Zoey and we bursted into laughter. I grabbed my jeans and slid them on.

"If she only knew how much we really enjoyed that stuff." I exclaimed.

"Yeah, glad she doesn't." Zoey replied. "Plus getting spanked by my mom isn't my idea of fun."

We finished getting dressed and joined the rest of the family in the kitchen for breakfast. When we had eaten, Zoey and I went outside and started walking to my house.

"Hey." Zoey said turning to me. "Let's see what Jeremy is up to." She nudged me and winked.

"Okay, let's. You comfortable with letting him know?" I asked.

"Yeah, I want to see what he's capable of." She smacked my butt and stuck her tongue out.

I tried to retaliate but Zoey dashed ahead of me to avoid my hand. I chased after her but I discovered that she was in much better shape than me. She beat me to Jeremy's house and when I finally caught up, I bent over panting as I leaned on my knees. When I had caught my breathe, we knocked on the front door but no one answered.

"Maybe he isn't home." Zoey said disappointed.

"Follow me." I grabbed her arm and led her around to the back door. It was unlocked as usual. Once inside we found Jeremy glued to the TV screen as he played his video games. He was wearing his set of headphones which explained why he had not heard us knocking. I turned to Zoey and placed my finger over my lips. We stood behind Jeremy and when I ripped the headphones off we shouted "Hey!" in unison. Jeremy practically jump ten feet in the air, startled by our loud entrance.

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