Sleepover Part 2

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Rita's POV:

We hopped into bed and I snuggled under the warm sheets. I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep but my mind was filled with too many thoughts. Did Zoey like her wedgie? Did she suspect me? Did I go too far? I often overthought everything and I had lost many precious hours of sleep as a result. I laid on my side opposite to Zoey, eyes wide open.

"You asleep?" Zoey whispered.

"Nah, you?"

"Obviously not, dummy."

We both sat up and Zoey flipped the switch on her desk side lap. The room was now dimly lit.

"What's up?" I asked.

"I couldn't stop thinking about earlier." She said.

I grew anxious. "You mean the wedgie? I'm sorry about that..."

"No need." Zoey interrupted. "It was all in good fun. I just was curious why you brought it up in the first place."

My face felt hot and my hands were now sweaty. "Well um..." I stammered unable to find the right words.

"Hey it's okay, you can tell me anything." She read reassured me.

I too a deep breathe and began to recount the story of how I first started to become curious about wedgies. I told her about the first time Jeremy gave me a wedgie and how it made me feel. I didn't go into details about the past wedgies Jeremy had given me but told her that it was something we did often. When I finished I felt relieved, telling someone I could trust lifted a great weight off my chest.

"Wow." Zoey said. "So you actually like getting wedgies?"

"Yeah...I can't really explain it. It just feels good." I replied.

There was an awkward silence, Zoey sat there looking like she was about to say something.

"I don't expect you to feel the same way...I just felt like I needed to tell you." I finally said.

"I'm glad you did actually, I think I get what you mean." Zoey replied.


"Yeah..." Zoey blushed and then got on all fours. "Give me another?" Zoey looked back at me wiggling her butt near my face.

"Are you sure?" I asked a little bit shocked.

"I'm sure."

I got to my knees and then dug my hands into her sweatpants. I found her waistband and hesitated to them. This causes Zoey's body  to stiffen with dread and anticipation. Finally I gave her bikini-cut undies a good hard tug and Zoey giggled and groaned uncontrollably. Still keeping a handful of cloth, I gave her butt a firm smack before letting her panties snap back against her lower back.

"Mmm...ouch!" Zoey looked at me wide-eyed. "What was that for?"

"I dunno...I felt like spanking your cute tush that's all." I said in a cheery tone and started patting her behind like a drum.

"It felt nice..." Zoey sighed.

I was taken aback by this comment. "Zoey!" I exclaimed giving her a light shove.

"You're curious about wedgies, well it's same for me with getting my butt spanked." She rolled over and explained.

"It feels good to you?"

"Uh-huh." She nodded. "Whenever my teammates slap my butt for doing a good job I feel really good. I kinda want a spanking now." She bit her lower lip and stared at me with giant blue eyes.

"Wanna hop over my lap?" I asked.

Zoey's eyes lit up and she eagerly plopped into my lap. She wiggled her tush as me and her face had a giant grin. I rubbed her behind a little before giving we her a few firm swats. Smack! Smack! Smack! Zoey scrunched her face and softly grunted.

"How's that?" I asked playfully.

"Didn't really feel much." She teased.

"Oh really? I guess these need to come down." I then tugged her sweatpants down to her knees and resume to spank Zoey over her panties.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

Zoey's body bucked and she gripped her bedsheets. Her grunts and moans grew louder as I landed firm blows to her butt at a moderate pace. I paused to rub her butt and Zoey relaxed her body.

"Is this what you imagined it would feel like?" I asked.

"Even feels amazing." Zoey exclaimed.

I decided that instead of lowering her panties I would have her a wedgie. I slowly pulled her undies up and her pink cheeks popped out. I tugged slowly just like Jeremy would do to me as I spanked my friend's bare behind. I heard Zoey moan as she closed her eyes. I understood why Jeremy enjoyed this so much, I was having so much fun.

Once Zoey's butt was a nice shade of pink, I put her panties back in place and pulled her sweatpants back up. Zoey got off my lap and gingerly sat back down. She gave me a hug and thanked me for the spanking.

"No problem. It was a fun."

"It really was, I'm not sure if I enjoy wedgies too but when you did it I really liked it."

"You should come over and let Jeremy try, he's much better than I am."

"Maybe...don't tell Jeremy just yet, okay" Zoey said in a serious tone.

"Okay sure but why not?"

"I'm fine with telling you, I just don't know if I'm comfortable with him knowing. I'll think about it."

"Your secret is safe with me." I assured her.

Zoey smiled and thanked me again. She turned the light off and we went to sleep. That night I got the best rest I had in some time.

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