The Day Cut Short

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Rita's POV:

I lay there bound by Jeremy's handcuffs and unable to call out for help. The combination of my wedgie and feeling helpless intensified the pleasure I was feeling. The gag was tightly fastened around my mouth, causing a puddle of drool to form on the bed cover. It seemed light hours before Jeremy returned and undid my wedgie and then he removed the constraints. I wiped my mouth with the bandana and sat up on the bed. Jeremy sat next to me and embraced me, holding me close.

"Thanks." I said. "That was a lot of fun."

"Yeah it was...and you're welcome."

"Sorry I kicked you, I didn't mean to." I said snuggling closer to his chest.

"I know, don't worry about it. I hope I didn't spank you too hard." He said stroking my red hair.

"No you didn't, actually I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would." I said with a giggle trying to hide my embarrassment.

"I don't know about you but I'm really tired from all that." He said as he laid down in the bed.

"Me too." I laid beside him and he held me close and we fell asleep on his bed.

I woke up first and checked my phone to see that it was already 5:30. I jumped up and started to gather my things. Jeremy woke up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. I told him how I was supposed to be home to babysit my little brother. Jeremy was more than understanding and told me to text him if I needed anything.

"Maybe I should come over later..." He suggested giving my panties a slight tug.

"I'd love that but my parents won't let me have friends over when I'm babysitting...maybe tomorrow." I said slapping his hand away.

"Okay okay, I get it."

I gave him a hug goodbye and was off to my house. When I got there my parents were in the living room dressed in fancy attire. Jake was playing his video games on the couch. My mom gave me the usual instructions. No friends, TV off by 9:00 and Jake in bed no later than 10:00. My parents let us stay up longer on the weekends. Out parents gave us a kiss and then left in their car. I watched as the car left the driveway and then I started to rummage through the fridge. I hadn't eaten since breakfast and was starved. I made myself a sandwich and then joined my brother in the living room.

"Mind if I see what's on the TV?" I asked.

Jake didn't answer, he was too preoccupied with his game.

"Jake!" I shouted.

"What!" He shouted back.

"I asked if I could see what's on the TV."

"No, I'm  busy. Plus I don't to watch your stupid shows." He stuck out his tongue.

That was the final straw. I grabbed him and reached into his shorts and tugged hard onto his whitey tighties. Jake yelled and pain and begged my to let go. I released his briefs but not before giving them one last hard pull. There was a loud ripping noise and the fabric tore at the waistband. Jake was fuming with anger.

"Look what you did stupid!" He screamed.

"Its just underwear, no need to get your  panties all in a bunch." I smirked thinking that last comment was pretty clever.

"Yeah, how would you like it if I ripped your panties? Now I have to go and get another pair."

"It's not a big deal, I'm sorry I ruined your underwear."

"Maybe I should tell mom and dad how you gave me a wedgie? I bet they'd be pretty upset."

"Don't tell them, they won't let me babysit again." I pleaded. I hated babysitting Jake but my parents did pay me handsomely.

"Give me a reason not to." He folded his arms

"Here, I'll let you get revenge." I turned my body and presented the back of my shorts to him.

Jake was a little surprised at my suggestion. "You want me to give you a wedgie?"

"No but it's only fair. We'll call it even."

Jake put his controller down and then started to pull my panties out. He then tried to yank as hard as he could. The wedgie wasn't close to as painful when Jeremy did it and I couldn't help but laugh a little.

"Hey! That's not fair, you're not screaming like I did." Jake said quite disappointed.

"I can't help it if you suck at giving wedgies." I said bluntly.

"Give yourself one then." He commanded.

"What? Heck no."

"Do it or I'll tell."

Unable to argue with the runt, I stood up and began to pull my panties farther up. I had them close to my head and looked and at Jake hoping he was satisfied.

"Now the front."

I made a face but proceeded to grab the front of my panties. I yanked hard and I felt my panties run through my butt cheeks and up my frontal area. Normally this would have been a pleasurable experience but doing it for my brother made it a painful one. Jake appeared to be very pleased with himself so I released my grip and then undid my wedgie.

I sat on the couch and watched my brother continue to play his game. Bored to death, I started to text Jeremy.

"This sucks...wish you were here"

"Me too"

"Can't wait till tomorrow"

"Maybe you don't have to"


"Leave your window unlocked and text me when you parents are asleep"

I was now filled with anxiety and excitement. I had an idea what Jeremy was planning but being caught by my parents scared me.

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