Sleepover Part 1

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Rita's POV:

Several weeks had passed since Jeremy had snuck into my room and hung me by my panties in the oak tree. He left me there for over an hour before letting me down. I was the most sore I had ever been. We decided to take a break from the wedgies. Part of the reason was we didn't want to get caught but, also, we didn't have many opportunities. I started to miss it a lot.

I got a text from my best friend Zoey, she wanted to have a sleepover. I was super excited, I hadn't had much time to hang out with her over the summer. The main reason was that Zoey was always busy training. She was a gymnast and was dedicated to training. I responded to her text, saying I would check with parents.

I ran into the living room where my mom and dad were watching the TV.

"Hey, would it be alright if I spent the night over at Zoey's?" I asked.

"Sure, honey, that sounds fine." My dad replied.


I went into my room, packing what I needed for an overnight stay. A change of clothes, pajamas, toiletries and so forth. When I was finished my mom drove me over to Zoey's house. She lived a little farther away than Jeremy and while I could have walked there myself, my parents weren't comfortable with my walking that far alone.

It was around six in the evening when we pulled up into the driveway. Zoey's mom greeted us at the front door and while the adults chatted, I headed upstairs to Zoey's room.

Zoey was laying on her bed listening to her iPod when I entered. She smiled when she was aware of my presence.

"Sup Rita." She said cheerfully. "Glad you could come over."

"Me too, I'm so happy we could do this."

"Yeah, I've so busy. I just wanna kick back my favorite girl." Said laughing.

Zoey was about my height and had a small figure like me. She sported a pixie cut but she had let it grow out from the last time I had seen her. She was adorable with her brown hair and giant blue eyes. She was wearing a large pink t-shirt and a pair of baggy gray sweatpants.

I unloaded my backpack on the floor and joined her on the bed. We talked about each other's summer and caught up on all the gossip. I had missed spending time with Zoey, I loved being with Jeremy but I couldn't talk to him the same way I could with Zoey.

After we had nearly talked for an hour, Zoey's mom came in to check on us. She told us that the new neighbors who had just moved in were throwing a party for those who lived on the cul-de-sac. Zoey's mom and dad were going to be over there if we needed anything. We were then left by ourselves in the house. Zoey ordered a pizza and when it arrived we watched a movie together.

I changed in to a blue tank top and a pair of pajama shorts after the movie had ended. Zoey and I sat there in silence. I couldn't resist but try and bring up my new found fascination. I didn't want to make things awkward so I tried to be subtle.

"Hey Zo, have you ever gotten a wedgie?" I asked, though I worried that I was too forward with the question.

"I remember when my leotard rose up after my floor routine a few months ago. I was so embarrassed, the lower part of my butt was showing." Zoey replied laughing.

I laughed with her thinking of the amusing image. "I has anyone ever yanked her underwear out of your pants?" I was now really nervous and it was intensified when Zoey didn't responded immediately.

"No...never gotten a real wedgie. None that I can remember. Why?" She asked with a look of perplexity.

"Just curious that's all." I said plainly.

Zoey shrugged it off as nothing and got up to pull out the DVD. I saw an opportunity, feeling a little anxious that I may have made things awkward by bringing up wedgies. When Zoey reached up to eject the DVD, I snuck up behind her and quickly dug my hands into her sweatpants and tugged hard on her panties. Zoey shrieked out in pain and utter shock as her pink and white striped panties shot up her butt. I gave a few more hard tugs before releasing. I fell back on the sofa laughing as Zoey struggled to fix her panties. Zoey turned to me trying to look pissed but it only made her look even more adorable.

"What did you think of your first wedgie?" I asked still giggling.

"So that's why brought it up? So you could prank me?" Zoey leaped towards me and before I could react, she was on top on me.

Zoey was much stronger than me due to her intense training. She pinned my arm back and reached into my shorts. She pulled my white cotton panties out and tugged on them. I squealed and wiggled around giggling uncontrollably. Zoey then sat on top of me, she continued to yank in my undies trying to pull them as high as they would go.

"That was a very mean thing to do should apologize."

"Never!" I exclaimed.

"Alright..." Zoey then raised her hand and began to smack my behind. I bucked and cried out begging for her to cease.

"Ow! Please! Ow! Stop!" I pleaded.

"Say uncle then"

"Uncle..." I said in a tone of surrender.

Zoey got off of me and I fixed my wedgie. Zoey's panties were still sticking out from the wedgie. She lowered her sweatpants and inserted her fingers inside her panties to dislodge them from her cute behind.

"That hurt a lot more than I expected." Zoey finally said. "You must have a lot of practice."

"Maybe..." I said laughing it off.

We went back into her room and got ready for bed as it was nearly eleven. I wasn't even tired though as our fooling around had excited me. I couldn't tell if Zoey had enjoyed it as much as me but I was hoping she had become curious.

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