The Night Cap

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Rita's POV:

I awaken by someone gently shaking my shoulder, I looked up and found Jeremy and Zoey standing by the side of the bed. The cuffs were off and my underwear was back in my jeans. When I sat up I was reminded of my earlier spanking. I smiled at Zoey to let her know I was far from angry with her. I knew I deserved that spanking.

"Hey sleepy head, my folks will be home soon. Best if they didn't find you sleeping in my bed." Said Jeremy.

"Yeah, that would be awkward." I laughed.

The three of us headed back to the living room and said our goodbyes. Zoey and I thanked Jeremy for all the fun. I left with Zoey and we headed to my house since it was on the way. It was nearly 5:45 when we arrived and my family was in the kitchen cleaning up from dinner. Jake was putting the dishes back in the cabinets while my parents washed and dried them.

"Anything we can do to help?" I asked.

"I think we have this taken care of sweetie." Said my mom. "You guys have a good day?"

"Yeah, we hung out with Jeremy." I was trying hard to not to giggle as Zoey grinned at me.

"That's good, there's leftovers from dinner if you guys are hungry."

"Okay great! We'll be in my room if you need us."

Zoey and I headed upstairs and I closed the door behind us. I  unbuttoned my jeans, slid them to my ankles and stepped out of them. I stood in front of my mirror and examined my behind to see if any coloring was still visible.

"What's the damage report." Zoey asked as she came over.

"Still a little pink."

"Let's see what mine looks like." Zoey kicked off her jeans and stood beside me.

We both lowered out panties below our cheeks to see how red our backsides were from our spankings. Zoey's was a nice shade of pink while mine was much lighter.

"Looks like Jeremy thought you really deserved a good spanking." I teased as I pulled my panties back up.

"Yeah you got off easy." She laughed. "Doubt you'll feel it tomorrow."

"Perhaps...but that can be easily fixed." I wiggled my behind in her direction with a mischievous grin.

"Oh so you want some more do you naughty girl?" Zoey teased. 

I felt her grab the back my panties and yank them hard towards the ceiling, I squealed as the pain shot up my butt. Zoey pushed me on the bed and started peppering my exposed tush with light smacks as she held a strong grip on my panties. I kicked and flailed my arms in protest. 

"Please! Stop!" I laughed. 

"Not until your bottom matches mine!" Zoey exclaimed planting harder smacks on my sore rear end. 

I cupped my hands over my mouth so that my cries of pain did not echo throughout the house. I could not bear the thought of my family stumbling in on me getting spanked by best friend especially my little brother. I bit my lower lip to keep myself from screaming and balling my eyes out for Zoey to cease her assault on my bottom. Zoey finished with one last hard smack on each cheek and then released her grip on my panties. I stood up, eyes red and moist, my hands began to rub the sting out of butt. I looked at Zoey, she stood there swaying back and forth with a look of guilt and satisfaction. 

"Sorry Rita, you were asking for it." 

"Yeah...I was." I said grimacing as squeezed my warm tush.

"So you're not mad at me?" Her faced lit up.

"Of course not." I said as I gave a light shove. "Doesn't mean I won't look for payback."

"Uh-oh." Zoey covered her bottom and gave me a wink.

I turned to the mirror for a view of the aftermath, my lower cheeks were a darker shade of pink and there were visible handprints made by Zoey. I adjusted my underwear and then plopped on the bed. I yelped as a sharp pain shot through my body and I quickly turned over on my stomach. 

"Nice dummy, you forget already how I tanned your butt?" Zoey taunted as she sat next to me on the bed.

"Yeah that was pretty stupid on me...guess I'll be sleeping on my tummy tonight." 

"Aww...poor thing. Let me help make it feel better." Zoey mocked in her baby voice.

Zoey lowered my panties and began to rub my reddened cheeks, I laid my head on my pillow and shut my eyes. I felt amazing having someone else massage my bottom and Zoey was so gentle. I enjoyed it immensely and I felt very naughty purring like a kitten as Zoey rubbed and squeezed my bare bottom. 

When she had finished we both got under the covers, I was still laying on my stomach with my panties just below my bottom. The cool air was heaven as I could still feel the heat emitting from my butt. 

Zoey turned to me and said. "You's my birthday next and  Jeremy should think of something special for me."

I looked at Zoey and smiled at her. "Don't worry, we'll come up with something good." I teased.

She gave my bottom a light smack. "Ow!" I looked sternly at her. Zoey giggled and then hid under the sheets. "You're so weird." I laughed and laid my head back down on my cool pillow. 

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