Later that Night

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Rita's POV:

I walked by myself as i headed towards my house, I lived a few houses down from Jeremy's. My mind was fixed on the day's earlier episode. The image of Jeremy pulling my underwear high up her behind replayed in my mind again and again. When I was home again, I went into my room and shut the door. My folks were most likely asleep since the lights were all out. With the house to myself, I reached into my shorts and slowly pulled my black panties up and tugged on them. I smiled as I felt the fabric rub against my private areas. It felt good but it wasn't the same without Jeremy on the other end.

Maybe I should tell him. She thought to herself. Rita had a secret she had kept from everyone, even her best friend.

A few weeks ago, Rita was laying on her bed messing around on her laptop. Her younger brother, Jake, snuck in and thought this was a perfect time to prank his sister. With her headphones in and her music playing loudly, Rita could not hear her brother creep slowly to the edge of her bed. Without warning she felt a pair of cold hands slip into her sweatpants and tug firmly on her cotton white panties. Rita struggled to sit up as her brother shouted "WEDGIE!" She was stronger than her brother and was able to wrench her brother's grip of her underwear. Jake laughed hysterically at the sight of his sister's panties bunched up outside her sweatpants. Rita's face turned bright red with humiliation and anger. She got up and marched her brother out of her room and locked the door.

I remembered how infuriated I was at my brother. What happened next surprised me though; I got a good look at the result from my wedgie in the full size mirror across from my bed. I gave my undies a few tugs and it gave me a tingling feeling. I realized that I took pleasure in having my panties yanked up my butt. I remembered how weird i felt; I thought I must be some kind of freak to take enjoyment in receiving a wedgie.

Rita got back on her computer and was shocked to find so much information on the subject of wedgies. What surprised her even more was that there were many people who found enjoyment in getting a wedgie too, it was a fetish for them. That must be what it is for me...a fetish. Rita did not fully understand why she felt this way but she wanted to explore and find the answers. For the next few weeks, Rita would wait until everyone was asleep and would give herself a wedgie. The pain was too much at first but the pleasure that came from it pushed her to continue. The day Jeremy gave her a wedgie was when she truly understood her feelings. The pain and embarrassment of receiving a wedgie from someone else added to the fun of it. She felt that she was no longer in control when Jeremy tugged on her panties and it excited her.

I pulled out some rope from under my bed. I had stolen the rope from the equipment in my father's garage. I looped the rope through the leg holes of my panties and then connected it to the rod in my closet where I hung all my clothes. I then began to pull on the rope, hoisting myself up to my tippy toes. I groaned as the pain of my panties being pulled farther up my butt intensified. It was my first attempt at a hanging wedgie. I pulled harder on the rope till I was a few inches off the ground and felt myself dangling in mid-air. I fastened the rope so that I could relax my hands and let the wedgie sink in further. I imagined that some bullies from school had done this and the fantasy made the pain subside. Maybe it was that I had gotten use to it or that relaxing my body make it feel better but I was thoroughly enjoying my hanging wedgie. I unfastened the button on my shorts and let them slide down to my feet. I dreaded the thought of my parents or even Jake discovering me but the thrill of being caught only made this more exciting. Luckily for Me, I was very light; the rod and my panties held me up all night.

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