Coming Clean

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Rita's POV:

The next morning, I awoke finding myself still strung up by my panties. Fearing of being caught, I quickly untied the rope and lowered myself down safely to the ground. My legs hand fallen asleep during the night and I collapsed to the floor. A few moments passed before I was able to stand up. My panties were well stretched but there were no tears. Thank God! I really like this pair. I thought to myself. Checking my phone, I saw it was nearly 9:30 in the morning, around the time everyone was up on Saturday morning. There was also a text from Jeremy asking me to come over as soon as I was awake. I hurried to my shower and stripped off my clothes. I took my time enjoying the warm water running down my body, washing away the sweat and filth.
I emerged from the shower feeling clean and refreshed. Mmm...much better. I dried my auburn hair with a fresh towel and then proceeded to get dressed. I pulled some clothes out from my drawers and put on a loose fitting pink tank top and a pair of khaki shorts. I rushed downstairs to the aroma of breakfast coming from the kitchen. My mother busy at the stove cooking eggs with large slabs of bacon.

"Morning sweetie, I placed a plate on the counter for Jake but I'll have some ready for you in a second." Mom cheerfully said.

"Smells delicious mom!" I replied. "Thanks." I said as she handed me a plate of hot eggs and sizzling bacon.

I scarfed down the freshly make meal and quickly chugged a glass of orange juice. I got up from the table in a hurry and was about to race out the front door.

"Where are you rushing to Rita? It's too early to be moving about so fast." Mom exclaimed with a laugh.

"I'm going to Jeremy's, is that alright?"

"That's fine, just be sure to be here by six. Your father and I are having dinner with some friends from work. We need you to watch over Jake."

I reluctantly agreed as i wasn't too wild about babysitting my bratty brother. I sped out the front door and raced across the lawn towards Jeremy's house. The back door was usually unlocked, I found Jeremy still in what appeared to be his pj's; a pair of basketball shorts and a large white undershirt.

"What's up?" I asked plopping next to him on the couch.

Jeremy's POV:

I turned to Rita and smiled, I was glad she was here so early. Last night I could hardly sleep thinking about all the fun we were going to have today.

"I thought we could get an early start in the day, we have a lot to get done. Plus my folks are out running errands so the house is all to ourselves." I said with a gleam in my eye that meant trouble.

Rita smiled, acknowledging what I was referring to but her face suddenly turned serious. "Jeremy, I haven't been completely honest..."

I grew concerned, wondering what could be the matter. I muted the TV and adjusted my body so that I was facing her.

"What is it Rita? You can tell me anything, you know that." I said reassuringly.

"Well, yesterday when you asked me if I liked getting wedgies...I didn't tell you the whole truth."

"What do you mean?"

"I really did like it...I mean a lot." Rita paused for a second. "It's something I've recently become curious about..."

I was so relieved I even laughed a little, Rita must have thought I was laughing at her because she gave me a good shove. "Hey! I wasn't laughing at you, I'm just glad it's nothing too serious. You had me worried there."

"Sorry. I thought you were making fun of me..." Rita let out a sigh. "So you don't think it's weird or anything?"

"Of course not...I told you I enjoyed it too." I said placing my hand on her shoulder.

Rita smiled and hugged me tightly. I pulled her close and looked down her back to see the blue trim of her waistband. I quickly reached down and pulled her panties up as high as they would go. Her pink panties with blue trim were now up to her shoulder blades. Rita squealed and then started to wiggle around in an attempt to get away. She giggled begging me to stop but I knew she wanted me to keep going. I noticed there was writing on the back of her panties, I stretched them out to see that it read "Tuesday" in giant blue bubble font.

"Cute panties Rita but it's Saturday dummy." I teased.

"People normally don't check my panties out to see if I'm wearing them on the right day." She managed to say as she groaned.

Rita's POV:

The sudden pain of my panties shooting up my butt caused me to cry out but I couldn't help but laugh as Jeremy tugged at my undies. I tried not to moan as I felt waves of pleasure run through my body. Jeremy them forced me on my stomach and while I struggled against him I wasn't really fighting back. I felt Jeremy pull my panties upwards and then force my legs back against my thighs. He then looped my underwear through my feet, leaving my feet tangled up in the leg holes. I remembered that this was referred to as a jock-lock wedgie, it felt much different from the past wedgies as the pain wasn't as intense but I was now trapped. I wiggled around causing my panties to ride up deeper into the front.

"Come on Jeremy, let go...ahaha! I can't get free!" I joyfully squealed.

"No I think I like you like this, plus I get a nice view of your butt crack."

I blushed becoming self-consciousness that my butt was partially exposed. Nobody but my family had ever seen me naked and that was when I was a little girl. The exposure was far more humiliating than any previous wedgie and being immobilized by my own undies was more thrilling than my hanging wedgie last night.

After a several minutes of struggling I finally got one foot free. Jeremy helped remove the other one and I fix my stretched out panties.

"So what's next?" I asked eagerly.
Jeremy grinned and told me to follow him upstairs.

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