Wedgies and More

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Jeremy's POV:

Once we were in my room I told Rita to lay over the bed. She smiled and obeyed laying her body across the bed so that her rear was presented towards me. I started digging through the junk in one of my drawers and pulled out a pair of fake handcuffs and a red bandana. I brought the stuff over to the bed and Rita looked over her shoulder to see what I was up to; I fastened the cuffs to her hands and Rita became restless.

"What are you planning on doing to me?" She asked in a playful voice.

"Can't have you fighting back while I have my fun." I said as I took the bandana and gagged her with it tying the ends behind her head. "And I don't want you making too much noise...don't want the neighborhood to hear."

Rita tried to talk through her gag but only muffled noises were emitted. Once I had her securely immobilized I reached into her shorts and pulled her panties up and then lifted her lower body above the bed. I then started to bounce her and I could hear her moan through her gag. I released her panties and they snapped back into a bunched up mess. I helped her to her feet and led Rita into the the rack of hooks on my wall. Since Rita was fairly short and light, I was able to lift her by her underwear and secure her on one of the hooks. I stepped back and admired my work. Rita was left dangling in mid-air, she struggled and kicked in an attempt to free herself but it was in vain. I then proceeded to tickle her sides and Rita giggled uncontrollably through her gag. She jerked from side to side violently and even began to kick her legs. She inadvertently kicked me in the groin. I fell the floor groaning in pain. I could hear Rita's muffled voice trying to offer an apology. When the pain passed I stood up and lifted Rita from the hook.

"That wasn't very nice Rita, I think you need to be punished." I said in cool tone. Rita's eyes widen, nervous about what I had planned.

I sat in the edge of the bed and pulled Rita across my lap. I intended to give her a light spanking but I first fixed her wedgie. I knew Rita wasn't quiet comfortable with her bare bottom being exposed so I decided to administer the spanking over her panties. While I didn't get a view of her perky butt, my hands felt her soft mounds as I stuffed her panties back into her shorts. I then reached under her and unfastened her shorts and tugged them down to her knees. Her underwear was still slightly lodged in between her cheeks, exposing the lower part of her butt. I placed my hand on her rump and rubbed slowly before giving it a few light slaps. Rita grunted when my hand came into contact but it was followed by a soft sigh.

"Naughty girls get spanked and you've been very bad Rita." I said as I delivered several firms smacks to her sit spots.

Rita wiggled around in my lap and became cry out through her gag. After several minutes of spanking I noticed some coloring on her bottom. I rubbed gently before pulling her shorts back up. I then pull her panties back out and lifted her tank top above her bra strap. I unfastened the hook on her black bra and hooked her panties through the strap. Once the bra-connection was finished I placed her back over the bed and watched Rita as she struggled. I pulled out my phone and snapped a few pics before exiting the room, leaving Rits bound in her wedgie.

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