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Fischbach's POV

I placed the device in front of Aaron. "It's done," I said proudly. The Brit put down his cup and picked it up. "Are you sure? You should spend some more time on it. How long has it been, a couple of years?" I shook my head, a prideful smile on my face. "It works, I can prove it. I've been testing it, a lot. Get Sean in here so he can see too." Aaron rolled his eyes and stood up. "Fine."

When he walked out, I picked up the device. My Portal Opener/Former Gun. I called it my "P.O.O.F. Gun". It had to work, I had tested it, and tested it. "Sean will be impressed," I said happily. "Aaron will be too when he sees it in action." I pointed it towards the wall and pretended to pull the trigger. Emphasis on the word 'pretended'. But my finger slipped, and the trigger clicked. A swirling pink portal plastered itself to the wall. "I knew it, it works!" I shouted. "Aaron, Sean! Get in here!"

I stepped towards the portal, smiling at my creation. Soon, we'd be able to see into other dimensions, alternate universes. What is taking Aaron and Sean? Those idiots, I thought to myself, placing the P.O.O.F. Gun on the table where Aaron had sat. I walked to the door he had exited from and left the room.

Third Person POV

Fischbach walked out of the room, smiling proudly at his work. His work that was getting a bit out of control as he left the area.

The swirling pink portal began to pull air into itself, sucking research papers and pencils in. Slowly, the suction grew stronger and stronger, until the table that Ash had sat at began to drag across the tiles, the cup of tea flying into the swirling pink. The three men entered the room, Fischbach had a victorious look on his face. "See? I told you it works!" He exclaimed, before turning to look at his work.

"That doesn't look like it's working!" McLoughlin shouted, running over to grab the table. The Korean gasped at what had happened while he left to retrieve the boys. The portal was sucking up everything in the room. "Turn it off, Mahrk!" Ash yelled as he and the Irishman pulled on the table.

Fischbach lunged towards the table to grab his P.O.O.F. Gun, but before he could wrap his fingers around the handle, it was ripped from his grasp and thrown into the portal. "NO!" He shouted, feeling all his pride rip away from him. "My work!" The portal shut the second the P.O.O.F. Gun's handle disappeared into the pink. Everything that was working its way towards the portal stopped moving and fell to the floor.

"NO!" Fischbach jumped from the table where he landed, running towards the wall. Tears stung the Korean's eyes as he frantically ran his hands over the wall, as if trying to find the missing portal. "NONONONONONONONONO!!!! It's GONE!" He fell to the floor, yanking at his hair. "I worked so hard on it, too..." McLoughlin sat on the floor beside his colleague. "Don't worry, we'll rebuild it, Mawrk. It's okay."

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