Chapter 11

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Third Person POV

The room was silent, then slowly, as if it was forming itself as it pasted itself to the wall, a swirling pink portal appeared. As if tossed through, Mark's body flung from the portal, hitting the ground with a loud thunk. He groaned, and sat up, pressing a hand against his hurt chest. "Fuck..." he muttered under his breath before looking around the room. "I'm... I'm home? Or... wait, MATT! RYAN!" The Korean scrambled to his feet, throwing his bag and the P.O.O.F. gun onto the desk. He raced down the stairs, running straight into his roommate, Matt. "Woah! Mark, I've been calling you down for about five minutes! Are you okay?"

The raven-haired male smiled wide, feeling such joy he couldn't keep it to himself. He grabbed Matt's shoulders and pulled the skinny male towards him into a tight embrace. "I am... now." Matt awkwardly pat his friend's back before shuffling out of Mark's grasp. "Well, are you ready to eat yet? Ryan is setting up Netflix for us to watch." Mark nodded before smiling softly. "Sorry, I gotta do one thing first." Without waiting for an answer, he rushed back upstairs.

Mark's POV

I pushed close the door to my recording room, and grabbed a pen and paper. I placed Tiny Box Tim back on my desk, with Spidey Loaf right beside him. I sat down, thought for a moment, then wrote a message onto the paper. After I was satisfied that it was what I wanted to say, I folded the paper and taped it onto the barrel of the P.O.O.F. gun. I looked at the floor, finding one of the pencils that had flown through the portal earlier that day. I broke it in half and dropped the pieces into the top compartment.

"Time for you to go back home," I said to the gun, with a smile. I pointed it at the wall, and shot. The portal appeared instantly, and I knew that this was the right thing to do. "Whichever Mark made you must really be pissed that he lost you, so it's time for you to go back where you came from." Winding my arm back like I was going to throw a baseball, and chucked the gun through the portal. The second it's handle was engulfed by pink, the portal closed itself. I smiled at the thought that whoever made it would get it back, and that I'd never have another adventure like that. I liked traveling, but I'd rather stay in my dimension.

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