Chapter 2

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Third Person POV

Mark stepped into the portal and gasped. That pins and needles feeling was back, and even worse. Each step he took was so painful that he cringed. Just gotta get to the other side, he told himself, taking each painful step towards the opening. It felt like ages, but in a few minutes he had landed on the soft grass. After taking a few breaths, Mark sat up and looked around. Where am I? he thought before standing up and brushing the dirt off of his jeans. The Korean slipped the P.O.O.F. Gun into his bag before smiling. Time to explore.

Jackie's POV

"Who's that?" Felicia asked me, pointing a little while down the way towards the edge of the wood. A man stood there, putting something into a bag. "He must be a tourist or something," I suggested, before walking towards the man and tapping his shoulder. "Excuse me."

He jumped and spun around. Obviously Korean with thick, black hair and dark brown eyes. He wore a red flannel and blue jeans, and, might I add, was very handsome. However, he looked a lot like Marcie, who is my absolute best friend, and I would never think of her that way, so I shook the thought from my head. "Who are you? My friend was wondering, and, to be honest, so was I."

Mark's POV

I looked down at the younger girl in front of me. She wasn't American, I could tell that for sure from the voice. She had long, brown hair with green streaks through it and bright blue eyes. She wore a blue blouse to pair off her eyes with a short green skirt. "Umm," I stammered at first, but recollected myself. "My name is Mark. Who are you?" She gave a flashing smile. "I'm Sean, but my friends all call me Jackie!" She gave another smile before pointing more up the hill at another girl, who was walking down to us. "And that is one of my besties, Felicia!"

"Hej sötis," Felicia greeted me. She looked similar to Jackie, with the long hair. Her's was blonde, however, with light blue streaks in it. She also had blue eyes, but wore a pink blouse and blue skirt. "Are you Swedish or something?" I asked, cringing at how impolite I sounded. "Yes I am," she said with a smile. "And what I had said was, 'hey cutie'."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks as I looked between the two girls. Wait... What the hell? Jack? Felix? Oh no. I plastered a fake smile onto my face as realization made me want to... well, I don't even know. In front of me were the female versions of my two best friends in front of me. I gotta get out of here before-

"MARCIE!" Felicia yelled as a third girl ran down the hill. She was... me! A young Korean girl with a long black ponytail, covered with pink, blue, and red streaks. She wore a pair of wire-rimmed glasses over her brown eyes, along with a black tank top and white jeans. I can't meet myself, I can't meet myself-

"Hey there, T.D.H." I looked at Marcie as if she wasn't my female self. "T.D.H.?" Marcie giggled, pulling off her glasses with a grin. "It means 'tall, dark, and handsome'. What's your name, baby?" I glanced over at Jackie and Felicia, who were giggling behind their hands. "Umm, Mark, and I need to g-go!" Before any of them had a chance to answer, I ran behind a tree, heart hammering in my chest.

I looked back at the ground. Some white flowers grew around the base of this tree. I leaned down and picked one. I placed it in my drawstring bag, and pulled out the P.O.O.F. Gun. I aimed it at the tree's trunk and shot a portal at the tree, which I quickly left this universe through.

Marcie's POV

I looked over at my girls, cocking my head to the side. "What was up with him?" Jackie giggled at me. "He obviously thinks you're hot, and just ran away!" Felicia nodded, "Jag håller med!" I rolled my eyes, blushing slightly. "Well, that's not true... But he was rather cute."

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