Chapter 10

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Mark's POV

I fell onto the ground, asphalt stinging my face as I tried to stand. "Am I...?" I looked up and around. The alley, where I met the drunk Dark. "It worked," I whispered, sitting on the ground. I smiled. I have a way to get home! I opened my bag and dumped out the items: the white flower, the stationary, the stone, a full bottle of water and an empty one, a few bags of chips, my phone, and my Tiny Box Tim plushie. I looked over the items, picking up the bag of chips. I put a couple of chips into the compartment, and closed the top. Will this work? I pondered. The red beam ran over the chips, and they caught fire. I squealed, swiftly opening the compartment and dumping the flaming chips into the gravel, stomping them out.

"Well, food won't work," I whispered, picking up the stationary and tearing a piece off. I dropped it in, watching it be scanned by the beam and setting the new coordinates. I shot the portal, and without hesitation, jumped through it.

As I did before, I landed in the hallway, but at least I landed on my feet instead of my face. I shook my body, trying to shake off the pins and needles that filled my body. This is the same place, at least I know that this thing truly works. I looked around, my ears straining to hear. A soft voice came from the other room. "She's so tiny..."

I didn't want to get caught by the people in this world, but I was too curious. I snuck around the corner, hiding behind the wall that separated the kitchen and living room. Sitting in a rocking chair was this world's Jack, holding a small bundle of blankets. Sitting on the arm of the chair was me, or at least, another version of me. He brushed his fingers lightly over the bundle, a sweet smile on his lips. "She's only been here a week, don't expect her to grow overnight."

I strained my neck slightly to see. In Jack's arms, wrapped by a white blanket, was a little girl, with black hair and blue eyes. "Our little Elizabeth," Jack whispered, leaning down to kiss the baby on her forehead. A little laugh escaped the infant's lips, and I could see Jack's blue eyes fill with wonder, with awe. Mark tipped up his husband's chin to gently kiss him. "I'm so happy we're finally a family," the Korean whispered.

Before I could do anything to give myself away, like start crying, I pulled away from the wall, and returned myself to the hallway. Okay, enough jumping, Mark, you have to go home. If food won;t work, what else do you have that could get you home? I reached up, and pulled a hair from my head. It sting for a moment, and I dropped the black curl into the compartment. Like the chip, it merely caught fire and shriveled up into nothing.

I looked through my bag, pulling out the only non food related item in there besides my phone: my Tiny Box Tim plushie. Awww, I really don't wanna lose him! A fan made him for me, I'd hate to lose him! I turned Tim over in my hands, sighing, until my hand brushed against something. I turned him over to get a better view: a tag. Why would someone put a tag on a homemade plush? I thought, before shaking my head. Very carefully, I pulled the tag off and dropped it into the compartment. I closed the lid, and watched as the red beam went over it, destroying the paper and creating a new set of coordinates.

Is this really gonna work? I thought, reading and reading the set of numbers over, trying to memorize them. Then, I lifted the gun, pointing the end at a wall, and pulled the trigger. I could feel the weight lifted from my shoulders at the thought of going home, as I watched the shining pink light. Before anyone in the house could get suspicious, I stepped through.

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