Chapter 8

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Switched Mark's POV

After I put the portal gun thingy on my charger, I asked the other me if he'd like to play some video games. "Are you sure? I am too pro for someone like you."

"Well, I'm the bossiest boss of Bossatronio!" He shook his head, laughing. "Aww man! It's some weird to hear you say that! Urr, to hear me say that." I laughed as well, before setting up 'Mole Hammers' for us to play. Not surprisingly, we got a tied score. "Best two out of three!" we shouted at the same time, cracking up till our sides hurt.

After that, we played more one button games, continuing to tie over and over again. THe gun thingy was only half charged, so we went down stairs. I put a frozen pizza into the oven, while the switched me turned on Netflix. "What do you wanna watch?" he asked.

"Lion King!" I shouted. "I do, too!" he called back, rousing up another round of laughter. We chowed on pizza while singing extremely off key to the Disney soundtrack. After that we watched Frozen and Tangled. I was having more fun than I have in such a long time. The last time I had this much fun was when Jack came over from Ireland for his birthday.

After the credits of the third movie, I looked over at other world Mark to see if he wanted to watch another movie. He was asleep, cuddling one of the couch pillows. I look adorable, I thought before snickering at how silly it sounded. I walked up stairs and grabbed a blanket and a proper pillow from my room, which I gave to the other world Mark. After that, I went upstairs to check the "P.O.O.F. gun". It was fully charged, the little screen blinking, ready to go on to the next world.

A bit of regret filled my chest. Damnit, I haven't had this much fun in a long time. I really don't want him to leave. And idea came to my mind, maybe I could tell him that the gun broke or something. He could stay, he could live here. I looked down at the device in my hands, then let out a sigh. No, Mark, ya can't do that. What if ya were in his shoes? You were in his world, and found out you could never leave! I sighed again. "I'd hate that..."

I put the gun down on my desk again, before walking downstairs. The other me was half on the couch, his upper body falling off. I chuckled and crossed the room, pulling him back onto the couch. Well, he's me, so this isn't weird. I laid on the couch beside him, wrapping my arms around his torso to keep him from falling again. He seemed to relax against me, I couldn't help but smile. He may be me, but, dammit, he's adorable.

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