Chapter 1

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Mark's POV (Our universe)

"And, as always, I will see you.. In the next video. Buh-bye!" I clicked off my camera and shut off the program to the game I had just finished recording a Let's Play for. I pulled off my headphones and spun around in my rolling chair. "Now to edit and publish this final video," I said, rolling back to my desk. Clicking onto my editing software, I pulled my headphones back on and put on some K-pop music while I edited the video.

After about twenty minutes of editing, a light shone behind me. At first I thought it was just Ryan or Matt telling me that dinner was ready (it was definitely not my turn to cook), but then I realized, why is the light pink? I pulled off my headphones and spun around. "Ye- OH MY GOD!"

Against my door was a swirling pink portal of light. My eyes widened and I suppressed the urge to scream for my roommates. I stood up cautiously, and walked towards the door. "What are you? Wh- where the hell did you come from?" I reached out to touch it (like an idiot), and actually stuck my hand inside of it. It felt like my hand had fallen asleep, like pins and needles. I pulled it back quickly, scared out of my wits. "R-ryan? M-matt!" I tried to open the door, but the pink covered the handle as well. The only way to leave my recording room would be to hack a hole through the wall, and I did not want to do that.

As I was contemplating what to do, some papers and pencils flew through, hitting the floor right in front of my feet. I scooped up one of the papers. The date was smudged on the paper, but the rest of the words were legible.

After about two years of research, give or take, I finally started designing the prototype for the gun. Perhaps I can ask Sean or Aaron for ideas, but they think this is a waste of time. Well, I'll just do this myself. They can go-

The rest was scratched out, leaving nothing but a finally sentence.

I hope the portal gun works. I want this to be a thing.

Mark E. Fischbach

"Gun? Portal? What the hell?" I picked up a second paper, this one written in messy cursive that was barely legible, looking like a journal entry more than anything. No date again, however...

Fischbach has been in his office all day. He rarely eats, even when I bring him in some food. He keeps saying that his "portal gun" will allow us to see into other dimensions, other universes. I hate to break it to him, but it'll never work. I'm scared, though, that he'll give up on his real work because of this stupid idea. Oh well, I hope he comes to his senses soon.

Sean W. McLoughlin

"Jack?" I looked over the papers. Some were signed with my name, some with Jack's, even one or two long reports signed "Aaron Ash", and that's Yamimash. I picked up one more paper, typed when the others were hand written, signed with Yami's name at the bottom.

Mark has spent hours alone in his room, drawing out blueprints for a interdimensional portal creator. I hope he succeeds, he's worked so hard in it all. But, then again, he rarely leaves his office, only to use the restroom. I hope this isn't foreshadowing what his life will become once he's finished his creation. And if he fails, I hope he'll jump right onto a new project, hopefully one that involves time out of the office with other people.

Aaron Ash

I looked at the portal. Another dimension, another world. I'm a scientist, I work with two of my best friends, I invented a portal gun! Wait, how'd these papers get here if-

My thoughts were cut off as something heavy flew out of the portal and slammed into my stomach. I fell to my knees, groaning in pain. The portal closed and the papers stopped flying in. After the tears in my eyes fell from the sudden pain, I looked down at what had struck me. It was a kind of gun, made of two large pink spheres and a white handle. On the end of the second bubble was a satellite-like thingy, The handle had an engravement on it. "Portal Opener/Former Gun A.K.A P.O.O.F Gun".

"I have a P.O.O.F. Gun..." I said softly, a smile working its way onto my face. I can go into other dimensions... "Mark!" Matt called from downstairs. "Are you okay up there?"

"Just fine! Can you not bother me, I'm gonna start recording!"

"Okay! Dinner should be done in an hour!"

I know, I lied, but my curiosity got the better of me. I pointed the gun towards my door, and clicked the trigger. A swirling pink portal appeared, and on the tiny screen of the gun it said a set of coordinates. "Off on an adventure I go," I said with a grin. I grabbed my drawstring bag, put two water bottles inside along with a couple bags of chips and my Tiny Box Tim plushie. Lastly, I put in my cell phone and put my bag onto my back. Then, I stepped through the portal.

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