Chapter 7

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Mark's POV

I looked up at the voice, so familiar to my own, only a little louder. "Are ya okay?" the person repeated. I looked at the man standing over me. He was me. A man that looked identical to me stood in front of me, he wore a blue hoodie and dark blue jeans, and... Jack's hat? He wore a gray rimmed hat, synonymous to Jack's. "Why do you have my friend's hat?" I asked, wincing at how my voice cracked. It felt like I was going to start crying any second, I cleared my throat.

"What do ya mean? Tis is ma hat." Why does he talk like that? I looked at him, annoyed, then stood up to see that I was a few inches taller than him. "Listen, quit fucking around. I'm fucking stuck here and I don't want any of your bullshit, got it?"

He looked at me with innocent brown eyes, and I realized I was yelling at myself. I shook my head at how weird that was. "Listen, I'm sorry I yelled. But, your name is Mark, right?"

"Yea. How'd ya know that?"

"Because, I'm you. From another dimension. Except, where I come from, I don't talk like I'm pretending to be Irish."

"Prete- Listen here, laddie, this is how I normally speak, okay?" He looked at me with a bit of anger. I actually smiled at how silly this was, I was getting angry at myself. "And, there is no such thing as an alternate universe, or whatever ya said."

"Oh, but there is. I can explain it all to you, but not here. It's weird enough that we look the same."

"We look nothing alike! Since when have I ever wore flannel?!"

"In my world, your lucky shirt is a flannel."

"Bullshit. But, if ya really are me, then come with me."

I nodded and followed this world's Mark. He seemed a bit reluctant to believe me, but I'd prove it to him. He pointed to a red car parked across the street from the cafe. "This is ma car, we can go to my house." I looked at him, a little smile spilled out across my face. "Cool, I guess." He climbed into the driver's seat, I sat beside him.

"So, if ya are really me, then what's ma last name?"

"Fischbach." He huffed slightly. "Ya probably knew that already. I'm a YouTuber."

"So am I. Markiplier."

"Hey, that's my na- Oh yeah, same guy." He looked forward. That's when my eyes lingered to his face. "Where's your glasses?" He looked at me oddly. "I don't wear them?"

"Really? Cause sometimes I feel as blind as a bat without mine." I reached up and pushed them up on the bridge of my nose. "Uh-huh," this world's Mark said, parking his car in front of a house. His house, I guessed. It looked the same as mine, a bit smaller however. "Are Matt and RYan home?" I asked as we exited the car. He glanced over at me. "How would I know? I don't live with them."

"They aren't your roommates?" I asked, following him as he pulled a set of keys from his pocket. "Nah, I live alone," he said, walking inside and yanking off his hoodie. The house was furnished the same way as mine, only some items that belonged to my roommates were missing. "Where do they live then?" I asked, feeling extremely nosey. "With Jack, duh!" Mark snapped at me, before shaking his head. "Ya ask a lot of questions, making me wonder if ya really are me!"

"In my world, I live with Matt and Ryan, and Jack lives alone. In my world, we were glasses and like flannel. In my world, we don't. Talk. Like. Irish people." This Mark looked at me, then walked up the stairs. I followed. "I'm sorry, don't be mad at me, this is just what I know, it's what I live with!" He stopped in front of a door, and turned to look at me. "And what you are telling me is wrong is what I live with, it's what I know."

"I know, I'm sorry. Please, I just really want to go home now."

"I know." He turned and opened the door. I instantly recognised the room as my- our I guess- recording room. "What-"

"How'd you get here?" He pushed me into the room and shut the door. "How did you get in the dimension?" I was hesitant before pulling out the P.O.O.F. gun. "This.. It flew through a portal with some papers written by me, Jack, and Aaron, uhh, I mean Yamimash."

"And you use it?! Are ya an idiot?! You have no idea what the fook that thing was, and you just go and jump through a fooking portal?!" I felt my cheeks turn pink, rubbing the back of my neck. "Uhh, I guess I should've thought about it before... yeah, you're right, me." He took the gun and held it in his hands. "It's dead."

"Well, no shit, Sherlock! Why else do you think I'm still here?!" He turned it over in his hands, a small smile appeared in his face. "Well, this is funny. Such advanced technology-" He held it up, showing a USB port on the bottom on the handle. "-such a simple way to charge it. Hold on, I think I gotta charger you can use." I smiled at, well, myself. "Thank you, thank you so much."

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