Chapter 9

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Mark's POV (Our Universe)

I woke up to sunlight streaming into the room, hitting my eyes. I yawned and shifted slightly. Shit, I fell asleep! I swore under my breath before trying to sit up, only to feel myself being held down to something. I rolled over in my restraint, face to face with myself. I blinked once or twice before the events of yesterday crashed into me like a bullet train. I yanked myself out of his grip, stumbling over my own feet and falling face first into the hardwood floor.

I stumbled to my feet, looking around the room. Where's the P.O-

"You're awake." I spun around, the other Mark sat up on the couch, the blanket falling off of his lap. "Y-yeah." I couldn't help it, I was curious. "D-did we...?" His eyes glanced over me, his deep brown eyes became wide as he understood. "Do ya think I'm an idiot? You're me. I'm not gonna fuck myself." The blood rushed to my face, and I laughed, my voice cracking. "Right, sorry. Where's the P.O.O.F. gun?"

"Upstairs. Are ya leaving so soon?" I felt bad for it, but I nodded. "I have to leave, me. I don't know if time is passing in a normal flow where I'm from, because if it is, my roommates must be freaking out. I need to go home." The Switched Mark looked down, then back at me and nodded. "Yeah, I understand. Come on, I wanna show you something really quick, though." He walked up the stairs, and I followed.

Switched Mark opened the door to the recording room again, and picked up the P.O.O.F. gun. "Did ya ever see this little compartment on the top?" He pointed to a small, rectangular shaped cut out in the top of the gun, covered by a see-through pink lid. "What's it for?" I thought aloud, taking the gun from him and opening the compartment. "I dunno, why are ya asking me?" Switched Mark took it back from me, holding up the device to the light. "Well, here's something."

"What?" I asked, peering over his shoulder to see. He reached into the compartment and pulled out a little note. "I think this will tell ya." I took the note and unfolded it:

Should I ever forget the coordinates to my universe, I created a way to return to any world. Place an item from the world you wish to visit, the P.O.O.F. gun will scan it and create a portal to that exact world.

Mark E. Fischbach

"Well, that's... convenient?" I looked up at Switched Mark, who smiled sadly. "Looks like you can go home now." My chest hurt when he said that, he seemed so lonely here. He lived by himself, and the Cyndago boys live in Ireland? Wait, Cyndago.... "Daniel."

"What are ya going on about now?" I put the P.O.O.F. gun down and grabbed Switched Mark's shoulders. "Daniel Kyre." He looked at me confused. "What about him?"

"Is he okay?" I asked. My chest hurt even worse than before, the thought of Daniel caused my entire being to feel awful. "He's fine, he just needs to take his pills every once in awhile. Why?" I smiled, my pain melted away quickly. "I'm so glad." Switched Mark's eyes ran over me, his expression changing fast. "Why? He tried to kill himself."

"Be glad he only tried."

I grabbed the gun, and opened my bag. I knew these would come in handy, I thought with a smile, as I pulled out the water bottle, a quarter full of gravel. "What do you mean, 'only tried'?" he asked me as I poured the rocks into the compartment and put the lid on. A red beam scanned over the asphalt, and it disappeared under the light. I held up the gun, and shot a portal at the wall of the recording room. I never thought that I'd be so happy to see the swirling pink light.

Switched Mark grabbed my arm, forcefully turning me around. "What do you mean, 'only tried'?" he yelled. I knew, I should have been at least scared by the yell, but I could see the fear in his -my- eyes. I grabbed his hand that was on my arm, pulling it off and holding it tightly. "Something's in my world may be better, but a lot of things are worse there too. Be glad you have the friends you do, you may lose them before you understand why..."

I couldn't finish. I let go of his hand, and turned. "Wa-wait!" he called out. I turned back, looking at him. He looked down, before spinning on his heel and rushing over to his desk. "I know ya wanna go home, I know ya never wanna do this again, but..." He turned back to me, hands cupped around something as he approached me. "If you ever want to come back... and see me... here." I held out one hand, and he dropped the item in it: a Spiderman tsum tsum. I looked down at it... and smiled. "Thank you."

I tucked the Spidey Loaf in my breast pocket before turning back to the portal. The light was so inviting, but it felt like I needed to do one last thing. I dropped the gun, not even flinching when the metal thunked against the upper floor. I spun around and threw my arms around Switched Mark's neck. He froze, then hugged me back tightly. I could feel the tears burning in my eyes, but I knew I had to go. "Goodbye," I whispered in his ear, before finally pulling away, and stepping through the portal.

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