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McLoughlin's POV

"Mawrk, you've been staring at those pieces of metal for an hour! Please, you're worrying me." I put a hand on Mark's shoulder, as he looked straight down at the metal and tools I left in front of him. His blueprints for the gun he had lost were in front of him, but his browns eyes locked on the scrap metal. "Mawrk, come on it's okay." Ever since the portal closed, he seemed to be... lost. "Come on, you gotta stay determined!" I smiled, hoping the reference to a game we played in college would perk him up.

Suddenly, Mark slammed his hands onto the work table, pushing himself up. "I don't even know why I tried," he said in the low voice reserved for when he was in distress. "I thought this was a good idea, but... Fuck! Jack, I don't even know why I try!" I was surprised to hear him refer to me by a nickname that nobody here has used since college. Mark turned around, tangling his hands in his messy hair. "You know, I just give up. This idea was stupid anyway, what use would it have?"

As he began to walk away, a light shone into the room. At first, I thought Aaron had opened the door, but we don't have a pink light here. I jerked my head towards it. "Mawrk! It's your portal!" He turned too, jaw dropping at the sight. Seconds later, as of chucked through, Mark's portal gun flew through the portal, skidding across the table, scattering the papers. I picked it up before it could fly past us. The paint on the handle was scuffed, and a few small rocks were stuck in it, but other than that, it was fine. Taped to the barrel was a note.

I handed Mark the gun, his hands were shaking as he took it. "It's... my gun..." He peeled the note off, and unfolded it. "Read it aloud," I said, patting the seat beside me. Mark seemed to collapse into the chair, hands and voice shaking as he read the note:

"Dear Mark who made this gun,

I hope this gets to you and isn't destroyed in the portal. Your P.O.O.F. gun came to me through a portal, and I had an amazing adventure. I met so many different versions of myself, and had such a great time, though I almost didn't know how to get home. But, now I am home, and about to go eat dinner with my two roommates, Matt and Ryan. I'm happy to be home, though I will miss going through those pink portals. Thanks for the experience.

Love, Mark from another world"

I looked at Mark with a huge smile. "Your gun worked. It found another Mark Fischbach!" But Mark was staring at the paper,I could see the gears in his head turning. Then, he yelled, "AARON! AARON MY GUN CAME BACK!"

Aaron walked in, yawning and stretching. "It did?" he asked, rubbing his eyes. Mark handed him the note, which the Brit scanned over quickly. "Wow, that sure is interesting."

"I know! Do you know what this means?" Aaron looked over at me, I just shrugged. "Umm, what does it mean, Mark?"

"ALTERNATE UNIVERSE MESSAGING!" With those three words, Mark, grabbed the note and the P.O.O.F. gun and ran into his office. Aaron turned to look at me, "Oh lord, it's happening again." Then he smiled, "Don't worry, I'll take my turn of trying to get him to eat."


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