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How's the story been so far? Did you guys enjoy it?

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I decided to add a new picture with every new chapter...that is if I can continue doing so till the last chapter :p

Thank you for reading~


The next morning I decided to get out and hang out with my friends to clear my mind and just relax.

I picked up my four friends, Victoria, Sulli, Luna and Amber from their houses and we decided to just go anywhere we thought of at the moment without making any plans ahead.

Victoria was a Chinese transfer student in my high school. She was my senior but being in the same music club we became really close.

Sulli has been my friend since I was in elementary. We were always together until we finished high school and I went to the States for further studies.

I met Luna in high school. We were in the same class and also in the same club. She's a very good singer.

Amber...I met her in the States. We were in the same university and also same department. She came to Korea not long ago and has pretty much settled here now.

With music blasting off and us singing along, we were having the time of our lives.

First we went to a street market and and tasted almost all street food. Then, we decided to go to a karaoke where we sang and danced without any care. Then, Amber suggested we go to an amusement park and we did.

Amber wasn't scared to try out all the scary rides. I was scared but she draggged me along to almost all of it. Sulli, Vic and Luna went for easy rides instead.

It was already evening when we left the amusement park and we decided to go to a coffee shop as the last stop.

We were busy talking and laughing although almost everything we were talking about were only useless stuffs. This is how we were always whenever we meet up. We end up talking about the most randomest thing.

"Hey Soojung, isn't that your phone vibrating?"

Sulli said as she looked at my phone on the table vibrating.

I checked to see who was calling and I couldn't believe my eyes! It was Kim Jaejoong! I rejected the call immediately and joined my friends talking.

But the phone vibrated again and I rejected it once again. All of them were looking at me with questioning eyes.

"It's nothing important."

The phone vibrated again for the third time and that was it! I switched off my phone and put it inside my bag.

"Who is it?" Victoria asked and everyone looked at me with curious eyes waiting to hear my answer.

I sighed and told them about Jaejoong. How we met and how he's planning on lying to our parents just so we can escape from the endless dates.

"Well I think it's fine. I mean you won't have to go to those dates anymore. You hated it so much."

Everyone was agreeing with Sulli. But I just didn't like the idea of having to meet him again.

"So this is where you were."

We were back to our useless talks when we heard a guy's voice and when I turned I was shocked to see Jaejoong standing right behind me. Today he looked a bit different in just a shirt and jeans without his suits
and his front hair was down unlike the other days. But he was still handsome.

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