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Jaejoong's POV

I opened my eyes with a really bad headache. I was in my living room. How did I end up sleeping here? Then, I saw the mess in front of me. The cans of beer and soju scattered in front of me. I pressed my temple with my fingers to ease the pain and tried to remember what exactly happened yesterday.

I remember taking Soojung home after she got drunk. Then I came home and....oh no!

I remembered drinking and crying my eyes out in front of Taeyong over Soojung. How am I gonna face my brother now? It was such an embarrassing thing to do. Now he's probably gonna tease for I don't know how long.

Then, I heard footsteps coming towards the living room. It must be Taeyong. I lied down on the couch and closed my eyes pretending to sleep.

"I already saw you got up just a while ago. So, stop pretending and get up." He said.

I still didn't move and pretended to sleep.

"Wow..I can't believe this. Hyung! Get up! I'm hungry...cook me something...I won't say anything about yesterday."

I had no choice but to get up. It's not like I can lie on the couch the whole day even though that's what I really wanted to do.

I stretched out my arms and yawned like I just woke up.

"What time is it now?" I asked Taeyong like I didn't even hear anything he said.

"'re such a bad actor." He said as he got up and went towards the kitchen. "Stop with all the acts and come cook me something."

I sighed as I got up to brush and wash my face. I suddenly remembered I had a meeting with Jessica at 10 am. I checked the time on my phone and it was already 1 pm.

Damn! I'll be as good as dead if this got to my dad. I called Jessica to apologise about having her wait and not coming.

"I had a feeling you're not gonna come anyway..." She said.

"What do you mean?"

"You must be probably having a bad hangover rest up and let's meet tomorrow." She said and hung up.

But wait a minute...I wasn't drunk when I dropped Soojung off at her home. So how would she know I drank?

Anyway, I don't have to go out today so it's good. I can get a good rest.

I went into the kitchen to make lunch and Taeyong was already there sitting on the dining table playing games on his phone.

"It was quite a scene yesterday." Taeyong said with a cheeky smile.

"You said you weren't gonna talk about it." I told him.

"You finally stopped acting." He said with a little laugh.

"Bring that up again and I won't feed you." I warned him

"Ok...calm down! Don't threaten with food." He said.

"Shut up and just eat." I told him as I gave him the lunch I prepared.

Soojung's POV

My head was hurting a lot when I got up.

"Why is my head hurting so much?" I asked myself as I rubbed my head with my hands.

"You got up?"

I saw Jessica sitting on the couch in my room with some magazines.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go to work?" I asked her.

Why Did I End Up Falling For You?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant