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Jaejoong's POV

I opened my eyes from what seemed like very long hours of sleep. I rubbed my eyes as I tried to sit on my bed. My room was all dark. The lights were off and the glasses that faces the city in front of my bed were all covered with dark blinds. I had no idea if it was morning or night.

I tried to get out of bed. But my head was hurting a lot. I guess I drank a lot again. I forced myself up and went to open the blinds while rubbing my temples hoping it would reduce the pain a bit. Once the blinds were opened, I was hit by the bright sunlight coming through the glasses. I strecthed my arms trying to feel more awake.

Then, I went to the kitchen to quench my sudden thirst. I opened the refrigerator, got a cold water bottle and drank the whole bottle like someone finding oasis in a hot desert finally satisfied. But my head was still hurting. It was throbbing like my brain would pop out. I sweared I was never gonna drink again. But I myself knew better than anyone else that I would continue drinking anyway.

I took a glass of water and went to get a painkiller from my room. After eating the medicine, I was on my way to the living room to just relax and watch TV. But I heard some sounds coming from my PC room.

I went to check out and as expected, Taeyong was there playing games. He was too focused on the game he didn't even see me.

"When did you come?" I asked him as I walked towards him.

He didn't move an inch and his eyes were still focused on the game as he said just one word, "Yesterday."

"So how was the party yesterday?" I asked him.

This time he didn't even reply and continued playing the game.

"My dear brother, can't you see I'm trying to have a conversation here?" I asked him while pinching his cheeks.

"Damn it! I lost because of you!" He shouted annoyed.

He sat there pouting just cause he lost his game. I couldn't help but smile. No matter what he was still my cute little brother.

"Cmon, let me cook you something." I told him while playfully messing his hair.

He followed me to the kitchen. Food is always the answer to make him feel better. He sat on the dining table waiting while I cooked.

"When did you come yesterday? I don't recall seeing you." I asked him since I don't remember much about yesterday cause of the alcohol.

"I came in the evening after the party with mom and dad. You were already sleeping and you reeked of alcohol smell." He said while scrunching his nose as to say it smelled really bad. "How did you even get drunk so early?"

"I bet mom and dad were pretty furious." I told him as I put the food that I cooked on the dining table.

"Very much." He replied while starting to eat the food in front of him.

I sat down in front of him and joined him eating.

"How long have you been starving?" I asked him while looking at him stuffing himself with the food in front of him like he hasn't eaten for days.

"I haven't had anything since yesterday evening." He said with his mouth still full.

" should have woke me up...I could have cooked something for you." I told him feeling bad that he had been starving for so long.

"Like I didn't try." He said as he stuffed his mouth with more food. "You didn't move even an inch. I thought you were gonna sleep for another day. Thank God you finally woke up before the day ended." He choked on his food while talking.

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