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I had to take the early morning flight to Japan today for my concert there the next day. I went to the airport with half opened eyes. I put on a mask and a snapback to hide my face from all the paparazzis and reporters who practically camped out in front of the airport.

They started working as soon as I arrived. My eyes were blinded from the flashes. I bowed down my head as I went hurriedly inside the airport with my staffs.

No one actually cared to take pictures of a pianist at an airport when the world is crazy with Kpop. At least that's what I thought. Until I was offered to model for a famous designer in one of his shows which was also a request from Amber and of course I couldn't refuse it.

Since that day the media has been covering me in their news and has also been keeping an eye on me when they also found out who my dad was. It wasn't crazy to the level of Kpop idols but it was still disturbing in most cases. I don't know how these idols survived.

As soon as I arrived in Japan, I went to my hotel. After washing up and getting something to eat, I was on my way to the concert hall. I had no time to waste. I went straight into practice as soon as I reached there.

I was exhausted after almost 10 hours of practice. I headed back to the hotel on a taxi.

When I reached the hotel, I went to the reception to take my key.

"Miss, you have a guest. He said he'll be waiting for you at the lounge."

The guy said with a smile as he gave me the key.

I went to the lounge to meet whoever it was. I was looking around and almost gave up and was about to just head back to my room when I saw someone familiar.

"Changmin?" I approached the guy who was sitting on a chair, sipping coffee while enjoying the night view through the glass.


He looked as shocked as I was when he turned around and saw me. We shared a friendly hug and sat down together and excitedly talked about how we have been.

Changmin was my senior in the university in US. He helped me out a lot when I first went there. We haven't seen each other since the day I finished my uni and came back to Korea.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked him still couldn't believe that he came here to see me.

"What do you mean? I came here for my art exhibition and I stay in this hotel and you're the one who found me."

That's when I realised he wasn't the guest I was looking for. If not him, then, who could it be?

"Krystal? You still there?"

He was waving his hands in front of my eyes as I got lost in my thoughts.

"Changmin, let's meet up later. I need to go now. I have a concert tomorrow."

We said our goodbyes and when I reached my room, I just plunged into the bed and went to sleep.


I had a nice long sleep and woke up to the sun shining through the window. I went to shower, got dressed and decided to have breakfast outside just so I can get some fresh morning air too before the concert.

"I see you had a good night yesterday."

I was about to grab a taxi when I heard a familiar voice very close to my ear. I turned around to see Jaejoong standing so close to me. I backed away a bit to keep a distance.

"Why are you here?"

"You think I'd let my girl just wander around alone in this big city?"

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