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Jaejoong's POV

Even though I thought long and hard about moving to the States, I couldn't make up my mind. My mind was telling me to go and move on from my unrequited love while my heart aches just at the thought of being away from her.

I reached out my hand for my phone and dialled Soojung's number. Maybe...just maybe...all I wanted was for her to tell me to stay...

"Oh hi Jaejoong!" She picked up excitedly.

"Anything good happened? You sound too happy." I told her.

"Kinda...anyway...why did you call?"

"Oh...I was just wondering if we could meet now..."

"'s kinda late.." She said sounding reluctant.

"I'll come to your place." I told her.


I went to her place and saw her waiting outside her house.

"Did you wait long?" I asked her.

"No...I just came out too..should we go on a walk?" She said and started walking ahead.

I just followed her and walked next to her.

"So what's wrong?"

"Hmm?" I said confused.

"Don't tell me you call me out this late for nothing." She said looking kinda disappointed.

"Oh no...I do have a dad wants me to move to the States." I told her.

She stopped walking and just looked at me and asked, "Why?"

"He wants me to manage the branch there." I explained.

"That means your dad finally acknowledge your hard work...and isn't it a good thing? You'll get more experience and..."

"But do you want me to go?" I asked her cutting off her halfway while she was talking about the reasons i should go.

"Does it matter?" She asked as she looked at me a bit lost.

"Yes it does." I told her.

"Well...I'll miss having you around here...but that shouldn't be the reason to let go of this opportunity...right?"

"So should I go or not?"

"I think you should." She said without wavering even for a second.

"I guess...i should, huh?" I murmured to myself.

"Ayy...come's not like we're never gonna can come visit sometimes....or i can come visit too...and we're in the 21st century...we can call each other..." She said trying to cheer me up.

"I'm kinda sad that my friend is letting me go so easily." I told her as I went towards her for a hug.

She was caught off guard but she hugged me back too while slowly patting my back with her hands. It somehow put a smile across my face in this bittersweet situation.

After dropping her home, as I got inside my car to drive back home, I took out my phone and finally called my dad to let him know that I'm leaving for the States like he wanted me to.

When I reached home, I was greeted by Taeyong.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him surprised to see him.

"I heard you're moving to the States." He said.

I nodded and sat on the couch next to him.

"Can't you take me too?"

"Stop dreaming. Dad would never allow it." I told him.

"But why?" He started whining.

"Cause dad doesn't want us together. He thinks you'll turn out like me if you spend too much time with me." I told him.

"But you've changed now....that's why he's sending you there right?" He said trying to persuade me.

"Hyung!! Please...please talk to dad about it.." He said as he hung onto my arms and whined like a baby.

"You do the talking yourself. I'm not getting involved." I told him as I got up and went to my room.

Krystal's POV

When I checked my phone after I got back home, there was a missed call from Changmin oppa. So I called him back.

"Were you busy? Why didn't you answer your phone?" He asked as soon as he answerd.

"Uh..." I stopped for a while wondering if I should tell the truth or lie about it.

"I went to meet Jaejoong." I decided to be honest since there was nothing going on between me and Jaejoong so why should I feel the need to hide?

"What? This late at night?" He almost shouted.

"Uh..yeah...he came to tell me he's going to the States." I told him.

"I told you not to meet him anymore." He said with a sigh sounding disappointed.

"I won't be able to even if I want to now." I said softly almost like a murmur.

"What did you say?"

"Uh...nothing...I mean I won't meet him anymore...he's leaving anyway..." I corrected my words.

"Why? Are you sad?" He asked.

"Nooo...of course not...why would I be?" I lied with a nervous laugh.

"Okay then let's meet tomorrow...I still need to work." He said.

"Ok goodnight "

I was lying on my bed trying to sleep when it suddenly hit me. I didn't know why but my heart kinda felt empty just thinking that Jaejoong won't be here anymore.

I reassured myself saying I can call him when I want to and even go visit him sometimes. But deep inside, I knew it won't be the same anymore.

Since when did I become so attached to him?

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