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Krystal's POV

I was to leave for my concert in Japan and my whole family decided to join me in the name of vacation.

My mom got better after some days when she finally learnt that my new boyfriend was Jaejoong. Of course she was quite unhappy everytime she thought about meeting Changmin's family and she was still keeping her eyes on me. I just let her be as long as she doesn't get in my way.

As soon as we reached Japan, my parents and Jessica and Yoochun left for sight seeings while I head to the concert venue for practice. I finished quite late and went straight to the hotel and slept.

Jaejoong's POV

I decided to fly to Japan and attend Soojung's concert to surprise her. I especially cancelled and declined all meetings just to make it here. The whole way, I could only think about how she'd react and smiled to myself.

I reached Japan a few hours before her concert starts. I went to the hotel I was to stay at, freshened up and on my way to the concert, I stopped by a flower shop to get her a bouquet.

When I reached, people had already started going in and I followed them. I got my seat a little further from the stage so that she won't see me.

Everyone started applauding when she came out. I looked at her with a proud smile. She looked even more beautiful and elegant that day or was it just me?

It wasn't my first time seeing her play but I was still amazed at how she changed completely when she started playing. No wonder she's a top pianist.

When the concert was done, everyone stood up from their seats giving her a standing ovation and I joined them.

Krystal's POV

I entered the waiting room after I gave my final greeting to the audience.

"You've worked hard."

"You did well."

"I loved the performance."

Everyone was complimenting me and I thanked them.

I changed from my stage outfit to a jeans and a white sweater and sat on the couch there as I drank an energy drink.

Everyone was busy talking inside when a knock was heard on the door.

Jessica went to open and suddenly let out a shriek making everyone look her way.

"Oh my God! How long has it been?" She said and gave a hug to the person.

I tried to see who it was but everyone was standing in front of me blocking my view. My waiting room seemed a little too crowded today no wonder with all my staffs and family.

I gave up and went back to the couch and took a sip of my energy drink. I was already quite tired.

"Soojung! See who's here!" Jessica excitedly said as she came through those blocking my view.

I looked up only to see a face I never imagined would be here today.

"I enjoyed your performance." He said as he came towards me handing me a bouquet of flowers while I just stood there frozen.

"Kim Jaejoong, what's going on here?" I asked still in disbelief.

"I came to surprise you." He said with a smile.

I was so touched my tears fell without my knowledge. This was the first time in my entire life anyone has ever done such things for me.

"Hey...don't cry." He said as he wiped away my tears.

"Aww...Are you really that touched?" He said as he put my head against his chest and patted my head.

"Well...we meet again here." My mom said suddenly making us move apart.

"Oh..." Jaejoong was flustered by the sudden interruption.

" have you been?" He said as he greeted my parents with a bow.

"Not really good...your girl just drives me crazy." My mom remarked.

"Mom! Shush!" Jessica said standing near mom.

"Mom...why don't we go now? You said you wanted to go more sight seeings didn't you?" Jessica said trying to leave us alone.

"Yeah...yeah...mother let's go." Yoochun chimed in.

"Jaejoong...why don't we have dinner together?" My dad suggested out of nowhere.

"Huh?" Jaejoong seemed confused. "Oh yes sure...i'd love to."

"Then let's meet at dinner time. I'll text the address to Soojung." My dad said and left with mom, Jessica and Yoochun.

Jaejoong let out a deep sigh as soon as they left and sat down on the couch.

"I'm sorry...they were too much to handle, weren't they?" I told him feeling bad.

"No...I'm actually glad I've been given a chance to get to know them better." He said with a smile with his eyes fixed on mine.

"Should we leave too?" He said.


It was winter and the sky was gloomy and the winds were chilly. Jaejoong suggested taking a walk in this weather and I just agreed to it. I thought wrapping myself up in jackets and scarfs would keep me warm enough but I was wrong. I didn't want to make it obvious that I was freezing but I kept on stuttering everytime I talk cause of the cold.

Jaejoong let out a little laugh as he pulled me closer and held my hand and put in his pocket. I was startled by it and suddenly became so hot. My face was burning and probably as red as an apple.

"Sorry...I'm making you walk in this weather...I just wanted to walk here again with you." He said as he looked ahead.

I looked at him in confusion which made him look at me.

"You don't really remember, do you?" He asked looking at me earnestly waiting for an answer.

"Uh...we should go back now. It's almost time for dinner." I told him trying to avoid his questions.

He smiled but I could see the disappointment in his face and I felt so bad I couldn't make myself look at him.

"It's nothing important, Soojung. You don't need to remember.." He said with a smile trying to make me feel better.

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