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I'm the only friend that makes you cry,

You're a heart attack in black hair dye,

So just save yourself,

And I'll hold them back tonight.

Thursday 24th March 2007

I didn't really know what to do.

Mikey began tugging on my sleeve to save me from my thoughts: "Frank! You're Frank, right?"

"Yeah," I smiled down at him.

"That's an awesome name! Wanna come and color with me, Frank?"

"Ok," I said, chuckling.

Mikey lead me into the living room by my sleeve and we sat on the carpeted floor. He reached out for the pencils and colouring books then handed me a book and half of the coloured pencils. I opened the book on a black picture of a clip art electric guitar then began colouring the main body of it in light blue.

Mikey and I were talking but I forgot what it was exactly about. I remember him talking about the fact that Gerard had a girlfriend.


He had a girlfriend.

Surely he wouldn't have mentioned is like "so Gerard once had a girlfriend a few years ago". He must have broken up with her recently.

Wasn't he dating that LynZ girl?

I'm pretty sure he was.

I saw them practically eating each other's faces off between classes earlier last week. She must have dumped him because he hits on Hayley. Because he hits oN EVERYONE.

I heard footsteps on wooden stairs. Gerard Arthur Way. He wasn't just walking either, he was storming up the stairs. Up the stairs. He must have his bedroom in the basement.

"Michael James Way?!" He stormed into the room, "why the fuck did you steal my pencils?!"

"I-I thought I was allowed to..." Mikey began to cry as I sat there awkwardly, unsure what to do.

"Well maybe next time you should try aski--" Gerard was then cut off. He cut himself off, "hey, aren't u that kid from school? The one that hangs out with Hayley?" His tone was far more softer and calmer than before.

"Oh, uhh..." I was wary of whether to answer with yes or no, uncertain of the consequences. "Yeah." I turned around and looked up to face him as I was sat on the floor and he was stood up. Not that I wouldn't have to look up with the both of us standing up. "Y-yeah, that's me."

"Oh, umm... Hey?" He scratched the back of his head, giving me an awkward smile and a slight nervous laugh.

His posture wasn't great and I was starting to wonder whether this was the same rebellious, confident Gerard Way from the one and only Belleville High. The same Gerard Way that swore at teachers, smoked in class and just overall broke every rule possible in the school laws. In every law.

"Uh, Mikey, why don't you go colour your Flash picture in my room? I could let you use the paints to!" Gerard smiled widely yet falsely.

"Yay!" Mikey exclaimed, jumping up from his cross-legged position on the grubby beige carpet and reaching out for Gerard. Gerard picked him up, "Frankie, can you get the pencils and coloring book please?" Frankie. I could have sworn the nickname made my heart stop for a split second. The way he said it was just as breathtaking, his New Jersey accent ringing strong through my ears.

"S-sure," was all I could manage to stutter out since my breathing was slightly irregular and my heart was beating faster than usual. I put the pencils back in their cases and piled the books up before picking them up and following Gerard and his younger brother into the basement bedroom.

Gerard's bedroom was typical with a twist.

Checkered tonal grayscale bedsheets, band posters, comic books everywhere, and dirty laundry flung randomly in places as he was obviously too lazy to tidy it away properly.

However, there was a desk. A desk covered in splatters of brightly coloured acrylic paint and scattered with drawings and paintings.

I thought about walking over to the desk but I didn't want to invade his privacy. After all, art is a physical expression of thought, feelings and emotion.

Gerard sat Mikey down cross-legged in the middle of his double bed. He then took the pencil cases and books from me, lightly brushing my hand with his, making my heart beat that slight bit more quicker and my breathing hitch for a split second.

Gerard quickly kissed Mikey's forehead before turning and walking up his wooden stairs at a steady pace, gesturing for me to follow him and I did so.

He lead me back into the living room. "Sit down," he ordered. I was confused but did as he said and sat on the leather sofa. He sat next to me, unnecessarily close, making my heart pound with nervousness and slight anxiety. "So Frankie..." he smirked.

That smirk...

Those eyes...

This boy...

...and with every second that passed I was just falling more and more in love with this fucking heart attack in black hair dye...

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