My Trips are Weird - Sequel to MCIW (Lots of Fandoms crossover)

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Omg its here! agh don't freak out or anything - its only the first chapter haha :) Anyway guys, thanks so much for obviously reading the first book and with all the support you gave me and I hope you continue with all the great comments and support too XD I am trying to reply to all comments but I'm being a bit slack at the moment . . . (If you haven't read the first book, I advise that you read it before this :) )

Okay then . . . away we go :)

"Has every one brought in their trip money?" Mr Globe asked the class as we all flickered in and out of daydreams.

I sat for a moment, doodling in my geography book: a small sketch of a globe with a cheesy smiley face.

"I've got mine!" Doctor practically yelled from next to me suddenly. I jumped and accidently elbowed Loki.

Loki, unlike most of us, made no effort to stay awake in lessons he didn't like, so for the majority of every school day, he was snoozing since he didn't like most lessons. Geography was one of his most hated due to the fact he found it too boring to even think about.

"Trip? What trip?" He shot up, looking about with alert but dreary eyes.

The Doctor flung himself over the desk top and handed the small envelope containing his money to Mr Globe.

"Camp, Mr Laufeyson. I want your money." Sir explained slowly, not looking amused at the obvious fact that Loki had, once again, drifted off in his lesson.

I laughed at Loki's face which was basically that of someone who was trying to think even thought they were still half asleep.

"Have I given in my money?" He whispered to me.

Behind me Sherlock sighed heavily, "You gave it in yesterday with me, remember?"

Loki thought again then smiled, "Oh yeah," his voice full of realisation.

"Have you given yours in yet, Rosie?" John asked as I turned in my seat.

"Yeah, I gave mine in the day after we were given the letter. Clara brought hers' in too." I said looking over to where the Master was speaking to Clara as Mr Globe took the money from Doctor.

"Are you sure it's all in here?" Mr Globe asked before placing the money in a safe draw and locked it, pocketing the key.

"Okay class, so hands up if you're definitely going on the trip."

Everyone in the room put their hands up, which was quite a turn around since everyone had moaned about going on camp to begin with.

"Well I have a few things to talk to you about before you leave," Mr Globe said as he picked up a pile of letters and began passing them around.

It was a kit list - items we needed to pack for the four day long trip.

"As you are aware we are going to Backthorn activity centre, and whilst there you will be participating in loads of activities that will improve skills such as teamwork and problem solving,"

At this Sherlock snorted and John elbowed him impatiently.

"You'll be doing activities like rock climbing and gorge walking and such."

"Sir?" Amy, who was sat at the front of the class, put her hand in the air and waved it about, trying to get Sir's attention and nearly full on hitting Martha in the face.

"Yes, Pond?" Sir asked rolling his eyes.

"Will we be staying in tents?" Amy asked, "Because I really will need a hair dryer after like, a day. My hair will be like-," She stopped talking to gesture largely with her hands.

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