Your Majesty

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Another update as, believe it or not, I am on a rather long holiday and already bored . . . so I’ll probably be updating quite a bit on different works of mine for the next few weeks.

So on that note, let’s begin!

 It looks like it’s turning cold out there,” Hermione said from near the window, peering out at the darkening fields beyond.

 The sky was a lovely navy blue awash with pinks and purples which darkened the stark yellow haze of the sun that was beginning to gradually set.

Clara tied up her hair then flicked a bobble over to Tessa who was pulling on a grey waterproof.

 “I guess we’ll have to wrap up warm then,” Tessa smiled.

 Molly finished wrapping a thick, woolly pink scarf around her neck over her waterproof and put on some cute mitten gloves that looked like sheep.

 I pulled a woolly beanie hat on and grinned stupidly at Clara.

 “Hats are so goofy. Does anyone actually look cool in a warm hat?” Tessa asked pulling on her own. Clara snuck up behind her and pulled it down over Tessa’s face.

 “That’s an improvement. I can’t see your face now!”

 Hermione gasped dramatically, “I wouldn’t stand for that Tessa!”

 “You’ve got some cheek, Oswald.” Tessa said peeling the hat from over her face and glaring at Clara, attempting to hide her laugher but failing.

 “Is anyone wearing wellies?” Hermione interrupted holding up her own green pair.

 “I am,” Molly said sporting her bright orange ones.

“I never looked at how muddy it was outside.” I mused as I dragged my bag out from under my bed and observed my shoe options.

 “Wellies are a safe, especially if we are walking over fields.” Clara said, “Mine have chocolates all over them.” She held up her wellies for us to admire the chocolate pattern that was printed onto them.

 “Mine are boring.” Molly mused, “And I want to eat yours.”

 “How is neon orange boring?” Tessa asked, stomping her feet into typical green boots.

 “We match!” Hermione said suddenly standing next to Tessa so that they could compare what seemed like the same brand and colour wellington boots.

 “Blue with a red ribbon around the top and res soles.” I described mine while holding them up, “Which were my mum’s.”

 “Pretty,” Molly said before looking back at Clara’s.

 “Does anyone else find they walk stupid in wellies?” She said taking a step forward as if breaking the wellies in.

 “They make you feel a bit grounded, sure. But they are a nightmare to run in.” I said tapping down my pockets and making sure my scarf was secure.

 “Everyone ready?” Tessa asked opening the dorm door and shutting off the lights.

 We walked back down the hallway to the main entrance where most people were stood waiting.

 “Nice boots.” Greg said to Molly who smiled shyly.

 “Thank you.” She said.

 “We won’t lose you when you’re wearing those, Half Pint.” The instructor, Logan, said with a lazy grin.

My Trips are Weird - Sequel to MCIW (Lots of Fandoms crossover)Where stories live. Discover now