Breaking the News

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Sorry it's been so long!!! I don't mean to be this slow but the next update might be a while too, so sorry in advance :S anyway enjoy this chappy!!! XD

Personally, I thought we must look rather entertaining walking down the street. Doctor and Master were in front of us pretending to blast each other with the sonic screwdriver things they seemed to carry everywhere. When I'd asked them the actual function of the screwdriver The Master had turned to me and said flatly: "One does not simply explain the function of a sonic screwdriver."

At that I'd left them alone to their imaginary weapons.

Loki had hold of Gladstone who was pulling at his lead wanting to join in the fun. Sherlock had his head buried in his phone and me, John, Clara and Merlin were walking while crowded around the book on mythology.

So there was no surprise when, as we rounded the corner towards the skate park, none of us noticed the group of people stood by the road side.

Well we didn't notice them until Doctor did a fantastic job of smashing into one of them while attempting to 'dodge' a laser shot from Master.

His arms windmilled until finally he regained his balance only too find himself looking into the more-then-slightly-peeved-off face of Morgana.

"Grow up, would you?!" She cried, trying to shove him backwards but he hopped to move away from her before legging it over to stand behind Loki, as if he was going to protect him.

Clara slammed the book shut and held it behind her back as we all regrouped. I felt somehow better when we were stood in a close huddle, like we had a bit more power against Morgana who, in my opinion, seemed to radiate with some kind of dark magic . . . which was completely ridicules!

"He didn't mean to, Morgana." Clara said bravely, levelling her gaze with the other girl.

I looked away and took in the rest of Morgana's group. There was an older girl with stunning golden hair; a boy with dark ebony hair cut short and dark eyes; and then a boy with pale gold hair and stunning blue eyes.

I made a safe assumption that they were all older than us, probably in the same year as Morgana, except the girl with blond hair who looked old enough to be in collage or even university.

I was surprised not to see Sally or Irene but I was pretty sure they were lurking somewhere nearby just waiting to pounce.

"Shut it, girl," Morgana sneered then looked at our whole group, "Why do weedy kids always hang around in big groups?"

The boy with dark hair smirked dangerously, "They think they're safer in large numbers."

"Damon has a point," The blond haired guy said, crossing his arms and regarding us with his pale blue eyes.

Merlin shuffled beside me.
"Who are they?" I asked lowly.

Merlin looked at me then said, "Dark hair is Damon Salvatore; light haired guy is Luke Castellan and then the girl with light hair is -,"

He was cut off then the girl with light hair stepped forward and said coyly, "Ah, look, little Merlin's here and he doesn't have Arthur in tow? Why's that I wonder? Loyalty finally run out?"

Morgana rolled her eyes, "Please, Arthur is sat on the settee at home watching reruns of How I Met Your Mother." She then looked at the girl with light hair, "Anyway Morgause, why do you care?"

Morgause, who Merlin later informed me was Morgana's sister, smiled again, "I just think Merlin is too loyal to Arthur."

"You make him sound like a servant." John said protectively.

Morgause hissed at him, "I wasn't talking to you, boy!"

"It's an open conversation," Sherlock stepped up defensively, "Anyone is free to talk, unless you'd like to make this a private conversation?" He paused to wave his hand in the air, "And if you do, we don't care. In fact the question is: why are we talking to you anyway? Waste of oxygen and brain power if you ask me. So, we'll be moving on now."

No one had to be told twice as we began shuffling off only to look back when Morgana shouted, "Irene asked me to ask you what she should pack for camp!"

Clara shot me a look, "What?!"

"Umm . . .," I glanced at Sherlock who just shrugged.

"The invitation to go on camp was opened up to most of the school." He concluded. Pretty much everyone stared at Sherlock, obviously not aware of this little fact.

"Oh God," Clara rubbed her forehead, "If Irene's going then it's going to be hell!"

"Irene's not going, they were just messing." A voice said and as we turned we were looking into the lazy smile of Greg Lestrade who was stood with his hands in his coat pockets. Beside him was a tall boy who was holding hands casually with a girl wearing a Yankees baseball cap that was keeping her blond hair out of her face.

"Are you sure?" Loki asked, "Because this whole thing is looking worse and worse."

Greg nodded, "Its fine, there's only Mycroft going that I know of."

"What about you?" I asked. I'd come to like Greg, ever since the Sherlock/Mycroft fight thing, Greg had slowly tagged himself to our group, despite being in the year above.

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm going. So is Percy." He jabbed a thumb at the boy next to him who gave us an awkward wave with his free hand.

Sherlock regarded them, "Could be worse I guess." He muttered then said, "Who else?"

Greg looked across at Percy who shrugged, "Annabeth isn't going, are you?" He said sideways to the blond girl who shook her head.

"I can't, I'm going to London with my Dad that weekend to look at the buildings and architecture." She explained.

"Cool." I said without thinking, then when everyone looked at me I shrugged, "Buildings and architecture are cool."

Annabeth regarded me with soft grey eyes and a nice smile.

Percy turned his attention back to us, "Hooper might be going, you know that little girl in the year below. Oh and Gwaine and Leon." He said with a smile, "Which should be very interesting."

Merlin laughed, "Ah, that will be a fun coach journey!"

Percy laughed in agreement.

Just then a huddle of people rounded the corner, not Morgana, but lots of people I didn't recognise. They carried skateboards and backpacks like they'd just left the skate park, and paused when they saw us all.

Everyone around me stiffened up.

"What the hell are you lot doing in here?!" The guy at the front of the group sneered as the others fanned out like a pack of wolves ready to eat us.

Sherlock sighed, "Ugh, Chance Thorp."

Ah great.

Is it the same in all areas that schools hate each other? It is where I live, there are three schools in my area and they are all in a kind of war with each other . . . it's a bit pathetic but oh well :) SO there you go . . . you've probably realised that this 'camp' is going be full of all sorts of fandoms . . . can you imagine what working in a team is going to be like?
Hope you enjoyed!!!

My Trips are Weird - Sequel to MCIW (Lots of Fandoms crossover)Where stories live. Discover now