Chapter 1

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The crew felt a rather large jolt as the ship hit the shore, a feeling they hadn't experienced for months. It was time for a pit stop.
Gabi, being the tallest of the three, threw down a rather large piece of rope from starboard and jumped down, using the rope and the side of the ship to scale down to the beach, boots landing in the shallow water. Tying the rope to a pole at the dock, the ship was safely secured. "C'mon, guys!" She called out to her crew mates.
Shannon was first, climbing out of the boat with the help of Gabi spotting her. Then came the Captain, climbing down the same way as Shannon, being helped down by the other two.
"I'm going to the market, you two do whatever you'd like, but be back by sunset." Red told them as they walked into town. Gabi and Shannon nodded and gave each other a glance, and mentally agreed on going to get fast food.
Red let them be, walking in the opposite direction to the local market. She had a list of what to get, but what she was really in the mood for was ice cream. Sure, there were a few vendors around, but what happens if she gets the craving at sea? She mentally decided to get a quart of ice cream, but then again, what flavor? Vanilla? Chocolate chip? Do they even have quart sizes for-
"Oh, I'm sorry, ma'am," a voice said. Red flushed in embarrassment as she realized she bumped into them, too caught up in her own thoughts to realize. "No, no it's- it's fine, truly it was my fault, I'm sorry.." She trailed off, smiling weakly at the man she had encountered. He looked so clean, a pink tipped nose and a lovely outfit- a clean white dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, and a black vest and tie on top. He had a well cut beard, and his eyes were unlike anything she had ever seen, little grey-blue stones shining in the sunlight. Again, she realized she had gotten caught up in her thoughts and blushed, knowing she probably stared. "Um, tell me, sir, w-what is your name?" She asked, breaking the silence.
"Kramer. Barry Kramer, ma'am. And you?" He asked, a soft, reassuring smile forming on his lips. "Red, um, Captain Red," she replied. Barry smirked at her response. "I should've guessed."
Red was about to give him a confused look when she remembered her attire as well- a long red coat with gold lining and buttons. The pockets lay just around the center, and underneath was a simple white undershirt and some brown pants and boots. It wasn't anything too fancy, not at all. She blushed at his comment, though she was able to smile through it.
"Well it's nice to meet you, Captain. Where would you be headed in these parts of town?" Barry asked. "Oh, I was just headed to the market to pick up a few things," she replied. "I was headed there myself. May I join you on your journey?" He asked, flashing another grin. If it was any hotter that day Red was sure she would be melting, both from the heat and this mans kindness. "Why, certainly."


A good while and a few laughs later, Barry and Red finally left the market like two happy children from a candy store. Her happiness suddenly turned to worry, though, when she realized it was much past sunset. Gabi and Shannon, she thought, they must be worried sick!
"Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Mr. Kramer-"
"Barry, please. What's happened, Captain?"
"Red, please, and my crew- I said I would be back by sunset, oh I'm so sorry, I must've gotten carried away.." She trailed off, her pace quickening. Barry managed to keep up with her, though. "It was my fault, please, let me carry your things back as an apology." He said, his eyes twinkling with sympathy. She couldn't say no to that face. She nodded, and handed the man her bags, leading him to her ship.
"There you are!" Shannon called out to her. She tensed up at the figure behind her, however. "Who's this?" She asked, this time lower than the first.
Gabi pulled the Captain up, hesitant to pull the man up after her. "He's a guest, Gabi. Let him up." Red said quietly, but just loud enough so she could hear.
Four bags and two people later, the full crew had boarded the ship, and then some. Gabi and Shannon stood side by side, eyeing him over.
"Gabi, Shannon, this is Barry. He'll be staying for a little bit." Though it was getting dark, the two crew members could tell Red was blushing. "I want you to treat him as a crew member, and with respect." She continued. They gave each other another look, just to make sure they were on the same page- Red had a crush on the new guy.
"Yes, Captain." They said in sync, and went to go hang out on quarterdeck. They watched as Red and Barry linked arms and went to port to watch the last of the sun set.
It was a miracle they didn't hear their snickering.

Sea (Love)Sick (on hold ish)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora