Chapter 20

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[Trigger Warning- Mentions of blood.]

Gunshots were fired, swords could be heard clashing together, and the screams and cries of battle broke out on the beach. The group could see Dan, Gabi, and Ross trying to fight unarmed and get away, but it was an uphill battle for them. Red wanted to run for her crew, who were practically defenseless, but Oliver quickly took the lead.
"We'll make a left, then go up that block and attack their flank," he planned out loud. Red was impressed, she had never seen someone so intelligent and quick to think. Handing her cutlass to Shannon and pulling out her handgun from her boot, the group followed the bearded man through the turn left and up the block, steps quiet and careful. When they finally spotted the enemy, which was none other than pirates, Oliver held up a finger. Then a second, then a third..
The group sprung out from hiding and began to swing and shoot at the pirates,  dodging and side stepping out of their attacks. Whilst Red shot and dodged a bullet coming for her leg, she began to recognize the faces of the crew she was fighting. A tall girl with brown hair and blonde ends, a man with a goatee and hair tied back, it was strangely familiar. Then, a voice called out to her as someone swung at her open side, barely scraping her hip as she dodged.
"How lovely you could join us, Red!" Izzy called from the captains ship. Seeing the pirate on her property filled her with anger. "I was wondering when I would finally have a challenge." Her long brown locks flew in the wind behind her as Izzy jumped down and ran for Red, fully armed with a pistol and a cutlass. She lunged at her stomach, which Red was able to block with a dagger she had kept in her belt for safe keeping. The two clashed swords for what seemed like a lifetime, blocking each other's swings and shots. Izzy had let her anger build up when she was in prison, making her strong and filled with rage. They both thought the fight was never going to end, until Izzy left her leg open. Red cocked her gun and aimed her shot, but it took too long. Izzy was able to slash her shoulder, sending Red into a fit of pain and rage. She cried out and cursed, her swings getting faster and more impatient. She wanted to lay down and tend to her wound, but there was no time. Red swung at Izzys neck, then blocked her sword, then took a swing at her stomach. She was able to scratch her across her torso, which Izzy made the mistake of clutching and hunching over. Red took another chance and aimed at her leg, then fired, sending the bullet clean through her thigh. Izzy cried out in agony, firing her pistol in a panic. Red was able to dodge most of the shots, though one was able to scrape her waist. She was oh so temped to shoot Izzys shoulder for payback, but she didn't. She didn't fight for revenge. And neither did anyone else in the group.
Shannon was doing fine for someone who didn't have much experience with a sword. Or so she thought.
It was heavy for her, and a bit long, but she was able to leave some wounds and keep herself standing. There was the occasional scrape or bruise, but she was able to dodge well due to her height and flexibility. That is, until a pirate struck her in the back and knocked her out with the hilt of his sword, causing her to the floor.
Oliver and Alex managed to knock out a good dozen pirates, with minimal damage to themselves. Red could've watched them fight the whole battle if another man didn't come running towards her. Red was able to dodge his swing, but the cut wasn't destined for her.
Alex yelled out as the swing hit his arm, leaving a large gash from his elbow down to his wrist. He was able to pull through and swing at a few more pirates, until a rough and groggy voice called out at the top of their lungs.
"Retreat!" Izzy called from the ground, motioning to someone on her side to help her to her ship. At the call, every pirate that could still use their legs ran for the ship, some leaving trails of blood behind. The others were either dead, wounded, or captured and were being sent to the jail.
Oliver, once he had finished off the last pirate that came for him, knelt down to help with Alex's wound. The sword had cut all down his arm, and was quickly losing blood. He took some gauze from a pocket on his belt and wrapped it around the wound, then helped him up and slung Alex's good arm over his shoulder. "I should go, it's quite a bad cut," he said to Red. She nodded, clutching her shoulder. "You go, we'll be fine. Thank you," she blurted out, vision fuzzing. Her hand was warm and wet, and she quickly began to look for Shannon as she began to feel lightheaded.
"Captain," Shannon breathily called out from a few feet away. Red ran as fast as she could and clutched to Shannon's shoulder, trying to wake her up. "Shannon," the captain breathed out. Red's legs gave out, and she fell onto the smaller girls torso.
Then darkness consumed their vision.

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