Chapter 19

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They had to have come during the night. Though she didn't see them when she was walking back, as the town was dead quiet except for her footsteps when she walked back.
They had to have come in the early morning. Though she didn't hear them when they docked, as the air was silent except for the gentle lapping of the waves against the shore.
Yet here they were, a giant crew of- were they soldiers? They were all so fit and muscular, and they were all similar in height, appearance, and voice. The only difference were their clothes, which Red assumed marked their rank, and two men, who looked nothing like them.
Red's crew watched as they filed out by squadron into town, knocking on doors and asking for volunteers. She was surprised when she saw the two different looking men board her ship.
The first one was tall and much older than the other, with rust-colored hair and a beard that complimented his face. His attire consisted of a black undershirt, brown pants with browner boots, and a white vest to top it off. The other was smaller and younger, but still quite tall, with defined cheekbones and short, wavy, dark brown hair. His clothes were much darker, with a grey undershirt, a darker grey vest and pants, and black boots. They both had striking blue eyes and a sword similar to a cutlass attached to their belts, each with a different colored band tied to the hilt. The bearded one had a blue band tied to his, whilst the other had blue and red.
"Good morning, sailors," the bearded one said as the crew walked over to them, Red being in front. "I am Oliver William Kane, but you may simply call me Oliver. This is my companion, Alexander Stowe," he said, motioning to the man next to him.
"If has not come to your attention already, battle has broken out at mainland, and we are in dire need of troops. We will be inspecting the island for one day, and will ask those capable if they can volunteer. Is this understood?"
The crew gave their collection of yeses and yes sirs as the man who claimed to be Alex spoke to Oliver. Oliver nodded once the younger male had finished, and Alex walked back to his ship. Once he had left, Red noticed that the bearded man couldn't take his eyes off of her. If she was going to be completely honest, she couldn't help but steal a few glances herself.
Eventually, the man sucked in a breath and walked over to her, as she was looking over the edge of the boat. "I take it you're the captain of this lovely ship?" He asked. Red had to hold back a noise at his voice. It was smooth and accented, one that she couldn't put her finger on. She could listen to him talk for hours if she could. "Yes, I am. Why do you ask?" She queried, her heart racing.
"Well, I was wondering, if I may be so bold," he paused to take a breath, "If you would be interested in lunch.." He replied, finger tracing along the guard rail of the ship. She could tell he was nervous too, his breath was uneven and his voice quivered slightly from time to time. "I'm sorry," she began. "My first mate, he-"
"Oh, no no, not as a date for anything, my apologies. I was, just wondering if you would want to come with me. I completely understand, though.." His voice was more nervous now, and Red could see the pink in his cheeks. Red thought for a moment, then smiled.
"May I bring a friend?" She asked. Oliver turned and smiled, though it looked more of a smirk. "Only if I can bring one of mine," he replied.


"So where do you two come from?" Red asked, taking a sip of her soda. The waiter said the food would be a while, so she decided to make some small talk while they waited.
She decided on bringing Shannon with her to lunch, as she seemed to be staring uncontrollably at Alex. She tried oh so hard not to smirk and laugh.
"Oh, I'm from a little island on the west coast. Nothing special, just sand and some villages," Alex said, squinting as his mind raced about the mineral. He snapped out of his thoughts when his friend started to talk. "Corsonto. Its near the mainland, mostly just cities and such. How about you two?"
"Tima Island," Red replied. "Shannon and I grew up there. Right, Shannon?" Red had noticed the girl was rather quiet, her lips forming a small, lazy smile. The captain had to nudge her so she would snap out of her thoughts. "Wha- oh, yeah, mhmm, w-we totally did.." She stammered. Her cheeks grew pink as the group laughed.
The waiter soon came out with their food, a smile on his face. The group thanked him kindly with a large tip, a little bit from everyone.
"How long have you known each other?" Alex asked, tossing a french fry in his mouth. Red thought for a moment, but it appeared that Shannon knew the answer. "Since I was six, and Red was nine, so a couple years now," she said. "And you?" She asked the two men.
"It feels like forever," Oliver replied. Red took notice of his habit of rubbing his beard when he spoke for thought. She hoped and prayed that she wasn't staring and blushing. "I've known Alex since he was a little kid, and that was decades ago." The group continued like this for what seemed like hours, enjoying their lunch and the company of the others.
It wasn't until they had finished their meal, payed, and went back to the beach when they were grimly reminded of why Oliver and Alex had come in the first place.

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