Chapter 9

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"I hope pancakes is alright," Barry said, letting the two in and going over to the kitchen.
He had changed, his jacket hung on the coat rack and a casual dress shirt and pants, his tie no where to be found on his person. "Make yourselves at home," he called out.
Shannon and Ross sat next to each other on the couch next to Dan and Gabi. Red was on the opposite end, and even she had hung up her coat. I didn't know she wore anything on under that, Shannon thought with a small smile. The group watched the show on the tv, a cartoon with lasers for swords and levitation. "What are we watching?" Ross asked.
"Clone Wars," Red replied. "I found out about it a little while ago, it's really good." Ross nodded and leaned back, an arm instinctively wrapping around Shannon.
Barry stuck his head out from the kitchen, frying pan in hand. "You guys want drinks? Beer? Water?" He asked. Most of them took beers, expect for Shannon, who had water instead.
Barry came out from the kitchen a little while later, holding multiple plates of pancakes. "Here you are, Barry's homemade pancakes." He said with a smile. Each of them took a plate and eagerly took a bite of the pancakes, loving the taste. The fluffiness, the buttermilk taste, the way they seemed to melt in their mouth. "Barry, this is really good!" Red said, having to calm herself before she ate the whole plate. Everyone agreed in their own collective "yeahs" and compliments to the chef. Barry smiled proudly as he made a plate for himself and sat down on the large couch next to Red, having to hold back a peck to her cheek as he ate and watched the show.


"B-but, I don't waaaanna," Ross hiccuped as he refused Shannon's offer to go home and sober up. He always had a little too much to drink, so the sooner he got home to bed or to water, the better. Shannon whispered something in his ear, and he blushed and nodded, getting up from his spot on the couch. Shannon held his hand and put down the beer he had, smiling softly to him and the others. "I think I'll be taking him home now. Thank you for everything, Barry. Good night."
Shannon and Ross were the last ones to leave. Red had stayed behind and offered to clean up, but by the time the door was closed, Barry had already cleaned up.
"I assume you'll be heading to bed, too?" Red asked, getting up to go fetch her coat. Barry stopped her, his breath smelling of alcohol. He didn't nearly have as much as Ross, but he seemed a lot more confident. Red wasn't on the same level as Barry, though she was more relaxed and had a small smile on her face as Barry cupped her cheeks and kissed her. "Not without you." He replied, breaking the kiss.
He noticed Red's blush and smirked. He got a thought, and without hesitating, he leaned in just enough that his lips were barely brushing against hers, and made his voice low and groggy as he whispered to her, "Sink me, lass." He watched her flush again, but after some hesitation, her smirk got just as big as his.
"Only if I'm under you."


"Why are you walking so f ast?" Ross asked, fumbling and leaning against Shannon as they walked to the boat. She stopped to hold his weight, and when he stood up, she continued to walk. "I told you, I wanna have my fun with you. Gabi and Dan are probably on the boat now, trying to figure out how to open the cellar. I want a drink too, yknow." She kept one hand in her pocket, the other holding Ross' wrist.
He fumbled too much to hold his hand without it being a danger to her.
"Then why- hic -do you want to get there so badly?" He asked, slurring the end of his sentence. Shannon smiled and took her other hand out of her pocket, a key in hand. "Red keeps it in her coat. When we left I managed to pickpocket it." Ross nodded, then started to giggle. "Won't they ffuck though?" He hiccuped after his comment, and he giggled harder. Shannon rolled her eyes. "Yes, Ross, they are going to fuck," she began, pulling him closer and pecking his cheek. "But we won't if you keep this up."
The man was mostly quiet for the whole way back.


"You seem in a spot of bother, Gabs," the younger girl said with a smile. Gabi and Dan had done as she thought, sitting around the cellar, trying to get in for a drink. "I may be able to help you with that."
The two looked at each other and giggled, looking back at Shannon. "How, e-exactly?" Dan asked, a large grin on his face. Shannon jingled the keys to the cellar in her hand. Gabi and Dan got up and stumbled over to the smaller girl, pawing at her hand that held the key. Shannon quickly put her hand in a fist and hid it behind her back. "On one condition. You let me get a drink first."
The taller couple let her pass, and Shannon unlocked the cellar door and climbed down to the barrels of beer. After leaving the keys on the cellar floor, she shortly came up with a mug, foam spilling out of the top. "It's all yours," she said, taking a sip of the aged beer. She could tell Ross was about to drunkly call something out, but the girl quickly slid her hand up his shirt and dug her pointer and thumb nail in the small of his back, and he whimpered as the two walked back to their cabin.
She could get used to this.

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