Chapter 15

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Shannon sat in front of the fan on her table, letting the wind blow in her face. She was so comforted by the gentle breeze that she didn't even hear Ross come in.
"Having fun?" He asked, taking off the jacket to his suit and undoing his tie, throwing them both in a pile on the floor that he would clean up later. He sat next to Shannon, who was very warm and seemed in a daze. Though, he couldn't tell if it was from the heat or him undressing.
When at first she didn't answer, Ross nudged her a little, trying to get a response out of her. "Hello? Earth to Shannon?" He asked, voice a little softer. She nodded and hummed out a reply. "It's hot, babe," she mumbled groggily.
The weather had gotten increasingly hot the past few days, Ross would agree. But he had lived there for so long, he had gotten used to the summer weather. It also didn't help that Shannon did not do well in even the slightest bit of heat. She was very tired, or at least it appeared so. Her eyes were half lidded, were words were soft and mumbled, and she really didn't leave her cabin, nor did she want to.
Ross nodded and held her hand, as it was much too hot to hug or cuddle her. She smiled- softly, but a smile nonetheless- and leaned a little closer to Ross. Maybe today wouldn't be such a bad day after all.


"Gabi, I love you, but this is way too tight."
Dan smiled as he told her this, waiting for the girl behind her to loosen it. "Sorry, hold on," she replied, dropping his hair and regathering it again, looser than before this time. "Better?"
"Much better," Dan said, smiling contently. Gabi reached over to press a kiss to his cheek as she finished pinning up his hair, sitting by his side. He draped an arm over her shoulder and pulled her close, returning the kiss by pecking her cheek. She looked up at him and admired his face: his eyes, the little gap in his right eyebrow, the curve of his lips when he smiled..
Gabi's thoughts were interrupted by a gentle kiss to her lips, her heart fluttering and her eyes widening slightly.
Today was full of surprises.


Barry had stripped down to his undershirt and pants, dress shirt and tie lost to the floor. Red had done something similar, her coat hung on its hook, boots tucked against the wall. The vest that she wore underneath her coat was also stripped off, joining Barrys clothes on the floor. She wore her dress shirt and loose pants, sitting on her bed with her back against the wall next to her newly acquainted first mate.
"Do you wanna get ice cream?" Barry asked, reaching for her hand and intertwining his fingers with hers. "We got ice cream the other day," the Captain replied. Barry thought for a moment. "Beach?"
"The sand is hot."
"Why would you have a pool when you live on a bloody island?"
"..Okay fine. Do you have any ideas?"
Red shook her head. "I have one, and it's to stay in here and melt." The two sighed.
"We can't just waste a perfectly good day. Let's just walk around." Barry said, a slight pout forming on his lips. Red sighed once more. "Fine, if we must," she replied, getting up and putting on her boots.


The town seemed much more quiet on this day, with rumors quickly spreading about a visit from main land. The two chose not to invest in them.
They decided on heading to the music store, since Barry was looking to get his guitar tuned. There was also air conditioning, and the store clerk was quite nice. His name was Casey, and he was an occasional maestro at a catering hall on main land. When the two sailors walked in, he couldn't be more happy.
"Captain! Barry! Oh, it's a pleasure to see you again," He exclaimed, smiling brightly and shaking both of their hands. The two couldn't help but smile back. "It's lovely to see you, too," Red replied.
Casey was tall and thin, with short, curly hair. His eyes were a faded blue, and his face always seemed in a constant state of worry. Nonetheless, he was a kind soul, despite his constant jitteriness.
"What can I do for you two today, hm?" He asked, voice light and curious. Barry placed his ukulele on the counter and smiled. "I was looking to get this tuned, if it isn't too much trouble." Casey's smile grew.
"Not at all," he replied.

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