Chapter 3

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"You two ready?" The Captain asked. Gabi and Shannon nodded. "I'm sure you'll make quite the friendships today," Red continued with a smirk.
Shannon had gotten both Gabi and herself into a rather awkward situation after her comment the other day, and now they were going to meet some of Barry's friends.
Shannon felt guilty, yet excited. They hadn't talked to anyone, besides Barry, since they docked. Gabi, however, was more pissed at Shannon for getting themselves into this mess than anything. Red looked both of them over before they left, making sure they looked their best. Whilst checking them over, Red caught Gabis sour expression. "Hey, Gabs," she said.
"Yes, Captain?"
"Lighten up a bit. If anything, you have Shannon to thank for this.~"


They were both tall, one with brown, puffy hair and clothes that resembled a paperboys. The other one wore a white dress shirt with a red tie, and some blue pants and a matching jacket slung over his shoulder. Gabi stood in front of the taller man, Shannon by the other. Red and Barry linked arms and smirked, watching their faces grow pink.
"Shannon, Gabi, these are my lads, Dan and Ross. Dan and Ross, meet Gabi and Shannon, and the lovely Captain Red." Barry announced, smirking at the Captain as she blushed.
"It's very nice to meet both of you," Gabi said, smiling. Shannon simply nodded, trying very, very hard not to stare at Ross. She glanced over at Gabi and Dan, who had already started a conversation. "You alright, Shannon?" Ross asked, a smile forming on his lips. Or was it a smirk?
"O-oh, yeah, I'm fine, heh," she stammered, getting lost in his eyes. "Just, fine.."
"Are you sure? You seem rather pink." The man worried that she was coming down with a fever, or that the heat was too much for her, but when he realized it was only her cheeks that were pink, it was then that he knew she was blushing, and blushing at him. They didn't even realize Red's rather loud laughter, and the smirk on Gabi and Dans face. "You two lovebirds ready to go?" Dan asked. Shannon and Ross both blushed and nodded, walking side by side to wherever it was the crew had decided on going.
"So, you're a Captain, right Red?" Ross asked.
"Seems like it."
"So, are you pirates, then? You don't look the pirate type."
"Well, not particularly," Red replied. "I take the role as Captain because I have higher authority, not necessarily that I'm a pirate Captain. We don't steal, we just sail wherever we please." She continued. He nodded, thinking over her comment.
"Is this the whole crew? Just the three of you?" Ross asked, his mouth not staying shut. Shannon decided to answer, giving Red a break.
"You don't need a whole crowd of people to have a crew, yknow. Sometimes it's quality over quantity." She said, looking up at Ross with a smile. He smiled back, and made her jump when he squeezed her hand. She didn't even realize he was holding it.
The group had stopped at the dock on the other side of town, where the beach was scattered with little kids creations from the sand and towels where their mothers sat.
"Do you ever get bored of it?" Dan asked, sitting down at the edge of the dock. The rest of them did the same. "The sea, that is."
"When there's so much sea we haven't discovered, can you really get bored of it? Every day is like a new adventure." Gabi replied, resting her head instinctively on Dans shoulder. His hair was so big that it practically shaded her from the sun. He didn't seem to mind, and wrapped his arm around her, lightly tracing up and down her arm with a single finger, taking notice as Gabi got lost in the creases and veins of his hand.
"Especially when you get to meet a couple of lads like yourselves on the adventure." Red added, smiling down at the sea below her. Her eyes widened and looked up, however, when Barry tucked a piece of brown, semi curly hair behind her ear and placed a soft kiss on her reddening cheek. "That's for yesterday," he whispered to her, smirking.
Shannon and Ross, on the other hand, said absolutely nothing, as they were staring into each other's eyes in comfortable silence. Now that they were sitting next to each other, they could get a better look at each other.
Ross had a rather strong jawline, and his cheekbones were sharp as well. Though despite the angles on his face, there was something soft about it. Maybe it was his light skin, the tips of his ears practically pink. Or maybe it was his eyes that made Shannon absolutely melt. They were so bright and vibrant like cobalt, yet such a gentle baby blue.
Ross loved Shannons features, as well. Her soft, curved cheeks, constantly a shade of pink around him. Her big, caramel colored eyes, her little nose, her dirty blonde hair, he found it all adorable.
The group stayed like that for a good long while.

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