Chapter 12

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"Izzy, I don't want trouble.." Red began, hands trembling. She forced one of her hands to stay near her hip, being ready to pull out her cutlass if she needed to. "You know them?" Barry asked.
"Oh, yes, we've had some brief encounters.." Izzy trailed off, looking over Red's crew mates that she had successfully captured. Dan was held by a tall girl with brown hair and blonde ends, a straight expression and multiple piercings. Gabi was held by a man with a goatee and a ponytail. Ross was held by a small girl with straight brown hair, and Shannon was held by a girl similar to her height, with black hair tied up. Each of Red's crew was on their knees, hands tied with coarse rope behind their backs. Izzy walked over to Shannon and eyed her closely, smiling maliciously at her. "Tell me, Red, how good can this one cook?" She asked, placing a finger on Shannons jaw to tilt her head up. Red's hand fastened to the hilt of her cutlass. "Don't you dare touch her." She said, anger growing in her. Izzy looked up and smiled harder. "Oh, is this one off limits? Then I assume the one next to you will be fine. Alyssa, Hammy, go get him."
Two of Izzys crew dropped Dan and Gabi from their grasp and stepped towards Red and Barry. Red's breath hitched and within mere seconds, the cutlass was out and against both of the pirates necks. "Touch him, and you will not live to see tomorrow. Take another step closer, and you can say goodbye to your filthy life, landlubber," she snarled. Barry had gotten behind Red at his point, sleeves rolled up in case he had to defend himself but still being empowered with worry.
"Aww, does Wed have a cwushie wushie? How adorable. Take him, that's an order," Izzy commanded. The two crew mates tried to get out from Red's grasp, but with a few punches and hits with the hilt of her sword, the two were shaking on the ground, bruised and weak. Barry was still fine, and Red had just a few scratches. "Y'know, Izzy, you really are all bark and no bite. Why don't you come and get him?" Red began, her foot tapping impatiently. "I'm sure you'll have lots of fun getting through me first."
Izzy spat and smiled, pulling a sword from her belt. She walked forward and stood in front of Red, bringing her sword up in front of her. "Ladies first," she sneered.
Red gladly took the opportunity and aimed for her stomach. Izzy blocked and threw her arm for a loop. They clashed and swung, feet dancing to a pattern of forwards and backwards steps. Izzy tried to take a swing at Barry, which was a big mistake. Leaving her side open, Red took a swing and scraped her waist. With a groan and a stumble, Izzy glared at the Captain and took faster swings, aiming for her head and chest. Red managed to block her pretty well. That is, until the pirate managed to throw her cutlass out of her hand. Red glanced at her sword on the floor, then back at the sword at her neck.
"Give up the man, and we'll leave you in peace," Izzy snarled. "If you don't, I'm sure we can figure something out that's more, how would you put it.. guaranteed." Red squinted at her and hesitated for a moment. She was unarmed and in no position to go after her sword. Then she remembered, and she smiled.
"Y'know, Izzy.." Red began, backing up and reaching behind her. She searched in her boot for what she was looking for, and with luck, she found it rather quickly. She pulled the gun out of her boot and cocked it, aiming right between the girls eyes. "You really shouldn't bring a sword to a gunfight."
Izzy swallowed. Red had already cocked the gun, which meant if she went for her own gun, she would be dead. She couldn't swing, Red's gun was faster. Izzy realized she had run out of options and sighed, dropping her sword and raising her hands to her head. Red smiled and kicked away Izzys sword, turning the pirate around and putting the gun to her back. They took a few steps forward and turned to Izzys crew, still holding Gabi, Dan, Shannon and Ross.
"Don't you have something you'd like to say to them?" Red said lowly, pressing the gun further into Izzys back. Izzy shivered at the cold end of the gun and cleared her throat. "Let them go." The crew undid the rope that held Red's crew and dropped them.
Red made a small smile and nodded, holding Izzys arm and taking it away from her back, pointing it at the pirates crew. "If you know what's good for you you'll line up with your hands over your head and walk with me," she growled. The pirates did as they were told and followed Red to the town jail.


"Is everyone alright?" Red asked, walking over to her dropped cutlass and putting it back in the its scabbard where it belonged. The crew nodded.
"You knew them, right?" Red asked, looking at Shannon. The smaller girl nodded. "You knew them too. They were good friends of mine, before we left." She paused, signed, and continued. "When she found out I was already loyal to you, she wanted revenge. But I don't think they'll have much luck now, huh?"
Red smiled at the girl and nodded. She was about to walk off when she noticed the smaller girl rubbing her wrists gingerly. "Oh, cmon. You're probably used to it," she commentedb, smirking.
She had to hold in a cackle as Shannon walked off, face quickly flushing.

Sea (Love)Sick (on hold ish)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora