Chapter 7

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After a long session of discussing, planning and working, along with some help from a few locals on the mainland, the group finally managed to bring the ship to the port, not too far from where they originally docked.
"You're too kind, lads," the Captain said to the locals. She reached into her pocket and payed them each two gold coins. "A little something for your troubles." She added with a smile.
The two locals, one a girl with pink short hair, the other a male with brown hair and a blonde streak tied in a ponytail and a goatee, thanked her generously for her reward.
"So, now that we have a ported ship and some damage to fix," Dan said, "Why don't we start fixing this beauty up, hm?" He asked the crew with a grin. Red nodded and called everyone to order. "Crew, front and center!" Gabi and Shannon instinctively stood next to each other perpendicular to Red, and the men did the same. Red didn't do the accent all the time, but she was feeling rather playful today.
"Ye got some work to do, lads, the big boy has been hit." She paused, took notice of Barry's blush, and continued. "But knowin' ye, I'm sure it won't be a hassle. Right?"
"Aye, Captain!"
She had to pause again for a second. Shes been used to two people responding, not five. She smiled, cleared her throat, however, and began to give orders.
"Ross and Shannon, yer the rough and tough ones of the bunch, go find the spare supports. When ye run out, go out and find some more, and bring it back here. I want as few trips as possible, aye?"
"Aye aye, Captain!"
"Good, good. Dan and Gabi, you go to the lower levels and help put in those supports, hm?"
"Aye, Captain!"
Red smiled. "Barry will be on guard, ye talk to him if ye need help with anythin'. I'll be in my cabin." And with that, the group dispersed on the boat, each going their own separate directions. Gabi motioned for Dan, Shannon and Ross to follow her as they went down a hatch that led to the lower level, while Barry leaned against the wall at quarterdeck, and Red went to go cool off in her cabin.
"Huh," Ross said. "That's a big hole." He continued with an immature grin. The hole was caused by a support beam giving out during the storm and crashing through the whole second floor. Shannon took a turn left as she jumped off the ladder, being weary of the weak platforms beneath her. Ross followed and did the same, while Gabi and Dan went down the stable stairs next to the hole and stayed on the lower level, the smell of alcohol faintly running through them.
"You guys ready?" Ross called out. Dan called back an approval and carefully watched as the support beam went through the hole. Dan caught it and held it in place, while Gabi secured the beam in place with metal brackets.


"Shannon, Ross, carry that scrap wood out of the ship, maybe cut it up and give it to someone for firewood. We don't need it." Red said.
Shannon nodded and pulled the two pieces of the support beam out of the ship. Ross took one and she took the other as they walked off the ship. Red walked back to her cabin, leaving Gabi and Dan to do whatever they pleased on the lower level.
By now it had gotten rather hot, both from working and the weather, and Dan couldn't take it anymore. He stripped himself of his vest and dress shirt, exposing all of his torso. Gabi couldn't help but stare. His slender form, his arms, his hips, all of it. "W-well fuck," she muttered under her breath.
Attempting to break the silence, Gabi found two mugs and an open barrel keg, and poured themselves both a mug. She passed one to Dan with a smile. "Cheers," they said in sync, clinking and taking a sip at the fresh beer that had been aging for who knows how long.


"D-Dan, heh.." The girl hiccuped, kissing him sloppily. "You look really good w-without a shirt.." She felt up his warm torso, a drunken smile on her lips. The man had just the same expression, eyes half lidded and feeling rather grabby. "I'm sure I can say the same t-thing," Dan replied, kissing her and beginning to lift up her shirt as he squeezed her waist, getting sidetracked as he played with the belt loops in her pants. He didn't tug them down, though, as if he was teasing her.
They had stopped drinking a while ago, or maybe they didn't and were too tipsy to remember. They didn't really care.
Dan smiled against her lips and kissed her again once more before he got her shirt all the way up, but not completely off. Which, surprisingly, was a miracle for her.
"Are you two quite finished? Barry and I want some for ourselves, yknow." Red called down to them with a smirk. They scrambled off each other and giggled drunkenly, both with love and alcohol.
"I've never seen him this tipsy," Barry commented.
"Neither have I," the Captain replied with a smirk.

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