Chapter 4

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"Lads, I'd like to welcome you to my pride and joy. Big Cooper, as I like to call him."
The crew watched at the men stared in awe at the ship. Dan couldn't help but smile. "It's so small!" He exclaimed, grinning.
"Well you don't need a giant ship for three people." Gabi said, smirking. The days were getting cooler, so the beach was rather empty that day. As a result, Red had invited the men to a tour of the ship.
"Take a look around, make yourselves at home." The Captain said, walking to port and leaning on the large wooden wheel, playing with its handles.
"Hey, Captain," Dan called.
"Yes, lad?"
"If I stood on the edge, would the boat dip?"
The captain shrugged. "Only one way to find out." She said. "Just don't break my beauty."
Dan nodded and held Gabis hand to the edge of the ship, placing her in front of him. Holding her by the waist, Gabi cautiously stood on the edge of the ship, spreading her arms out to a T shape. No dips, no fall, nothing. She was perfectly fine, and safe in Dans arms.
"Oh, wow, so original, you two." Red said, smirking. But the two didn't very much care. The view was lovely, and they enjoyed each other's company. Gabi put her arms down and found Dans hands, intertwining her fingers with his.
"Red," Barry said lowly, holding her hand. "Come with me. I have something I want to show you." He said, eagerness laced in his voice. She saw the twinkle in his eyes, and once more, she couldn't say no to that face.
"Guys, I'll be right back. I think I left something at the dock." Red called out as she followed Barry down the rope. Gabi smirked. "She forgets a lot of things, doesn't she?"
"Aye," Shannon replied, smirking as well. Dan let Gabi go, walking themselves back to where Ross and Shannon stood on starboard, watching the Captain and Barry walk through the sand and onto gravel, which led to the main part of town.
Ross reached into his back pocket and pulled out a deck of cards, smiling mischievously as he began to shuffle them. "Do you ladies know how to play poker?" He asked.


"I wanted to show you the other day, but I forgot. You seem like the type who would admire such a thing." Barry said as he uncovered his black piano.
"I used to play when I was little, but I grew out of it. This is my old mans, I took it when he passed." He continued.
"I'm sorry," Red replied as she looked it over. There was dust scattered on it, as if it hadn't been touched in years. "May I?" She asked, motioning to the bench in front of the keys. "Oh, be my guest," Barry replied.
Red sat in the center of the bench, pulling out her coat from under her. Her fingers sat lightly on the keys, pressing a few to see the notes they made, letting memories from years past flood into her mind. She owned a piano when she was younger, before she had left for sea. She knew a few songs, but they had been washed away, she wondered if she still remembered. Red took a deep breath and set her mind on a certain song, trying to piece the parts she knew together.
And then she played. She let her fingers remember, playing the song as if she had practiced for months straight. It came back to her like muscle memory, an untapped talent she had broken into. Barry sat in awe as she played flawlessly, getting lost in the notes. The melody, the rhythm she kept, how it just seemed to fall off her fingers, he loved it all.
Then she stopped, letting her fingers go to the side of the piano, playing a final chord. "I, may have gotten carried away.." She said sheepishly. Barry couldn't help but clap, a giant grin on his face. Red stood and took a bow, giggling as she straightened herself out.
"That was amazing, love," he said, going over to her and cupping her cheeks, kissing her over and over. She giggled and let her eyes flutter shut, too flustered to do anything else.
Barry didn't just love it all, he realized. He loved her.


"You don't even know how to play! How are you winning?" Ross asked, pointing to Shannon's hand. It was true, she was winning, and it was also true she had no idea what she was doing. The only thing she was certain of was that she was getting first pick at dinner that night. That, and that Red and Barry were back.
The crew watched as the two climbed aboard the ship, and immediately went into the Captains cabin. The four all gave each other looks, but said nothing. They played another round, but Gabi looked up at the sky with worry.  She excused herself and got up after a while, leaving her cards face down on the floor as she went to the Captains cabin.
She knocked and opened the door, and said with a voice that was sure to get their attention, "Captain, there's a storm coming."

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