Chapter 2

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"Captain, shouldn't we be headed out by now?" Gabi asked, knocking on the Captains door to get her attention. Usually the most the crew would stay on land is a full day, their original plan was to leave at sunrise. However, that didn't seem to be the plan at the moment, as it was almost midday and the ship was still docked.
"Barry and I switched bags accidentally last night. I'm going to try to find him to return his belongings." The Captain thought for a moment, then looked back at the taller lass standing in the doorframe. "What time is it, do you know?" Red asked.
"Around midday, Captain." Gabi replied. The Captain got up from her desk and searched for the bags, thanking Gabi for the reminder that she should get going. Gabi simply nodded and left the Captain to do her thing.
"You're onto her, right?" Shannon asked, approaching her from the other side of the ship. Though because of the size of the boat, it wasn't long until Shannon was a few inches away from her. "What do you mean?" Gabi asked back.
"She's not just going to 'return a few things,' she's going on a date!" Shannon replied. Gabi's eyes widened at the theory. "Keep your voice down, or you're gonna get us both kicked off this ship!" She said back, keeping her voice low so the Captain wouldn't hear. Shannon followed in her footsteps, but continued her thought.
"Think about it, dude, you saw how lovey-dovey they were yesterday. You know Red has a crush on the man, I know you do! Why wouldn't she go on a date with him?" Her eyes twinkled with mischief and excitement.
"Okay, so maybe they might go on a date. We shouldn't ask. But unless she does say-"
"I'll be back soon, don't get into too much trouble. That's an order." Red said as she carried two bags down with her, using the rope to scale down the ship and go into town. "Yes, Captain," the two said in sync, a smirk growing on Shannons' face.
The idea was very simple in her head: find Barry, return his things and leave. Though Red realized it was much easier said than done. She looked all over town for him, keeping a brisk pace as she walked. It was less hot out today, and there was a nice breeze, so she didn't mind the power walking.
She was about to lose hope after searching for so long when a man with a long black coat, cane, and a face much like Barrys' caught her eye. Then she realized- that is Barry.
She walked up to him slowly, quickening her pace and beginning to smile when she caught his attention and smiled back at her.
"Back so soon? He asked, shaking her free hand. "I've come to return your bags, Barry, I took the wrong ones by mistake.." She replied, concern filling her eyes as she noticed Barrys lack of bags. "Have we? I didn't check, my apologies. Here, I'll take you back to my place, and we can switch there, hm?" She nodded eagerly, following the man. Then her crew came to mind. I said I would be back soon, she thought. Then she thought of Barry. ..They'll be fine.
He had a lovely house, it seemed simple for a man like him, but it was a good simple. "Make yourself at home," he said, hanging his coat up on the coat hanger behind the door. "I'll be right back with your bags."
Red took a moment to take it all in, sitting down on a lovely leather couch. She didn't remember the last time she had been in a proper house, since she had been at sea for so long..
"Would you like a bite before you go?" Barry said, snapping her from her thoughts. "I'm sorry, what was that?" She asked, oblivious to what he was referring to.
"Ice cream. I saw you got vanilla, and I had a tub myself, and I was wondering if you'd like some, i-it's fine though, I-"
"I'd love some, Barry." Red said, smiling softly. The man flushed and nodded, getting themselves both a spoon. "Can I try something?" He asked, opening the small tub of ice cream be had and scooping out some of the dessert. "Sure," the Captain replied. The man sat down next to her and held the spoon towards her. "Say 'ah.'" He said.
She did, and Barry fed her a spoonful of ice cream. Though it was cold, it was warm with love, and she couldn't help but smile and hum at the taste, her eyes fluttering shut with delight. She opened them, however, to a much more delightful idea.
"Your turn," she said to him.


One tub of ice cream and two full tummies later, Barry and Red walked back to the boat, love drunk smiles on their faces. "It was lovely seeing you again, Red." He said as they approached the ship. "I assume this is goodbye." He continued, sighing. He looked down at the sand, hiding his pout. Red put her rightful bags on the ship before turning to him and lifting his chin with a single hand, kissing his cheek softly. "We'll see." She replied, smirking as she felt him heat up.
"Hey, lovebirds, enjoy your date?" Shannon said rather loudly. Barry smirked, but Red wasn't very amused. However, her expression changed when she got an idea.
"Barry, do you have any friends in town?"

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