Chapter 22

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The town was quiet the next morning. Many had stayed inside to mourn the fallen, and in hopes they wouldn't have to be drafted. Even so, when the troops filed out by squadron to different houses, a few people still went with them to go to war.
It was a scary thing, the thought of war. There's the possibility of you not coming back, and most people who go to war don't come back the same. Which was why Red was terrified when the captain of the soldiers' ship boarded hers.
He wore a white undershirt and vest, with black buttons and gray pants. His coat was a royal blue with a white trim and buttons. Red thought he looked more like a captain than she did. Then she remembered about a man just like him in story books. A man who had sailed and fought for so long, they say every one of his men represents a year of his life, which seemed true.
"Good morning, Captain Rex," the girl said, saluting him. "What brings you here?"
The man saluted back and nodded. "Your crew, despite their injuries, fought with determination and skill yesterday." The crew began to file onto the main deck at the sound of their name.
"We could use that type of mindset on the battlefield. It would be a great help if you volunteered to help fight on mainland." Red swallowed.
She glanced back at her crew. Gabi, a tall girl with a lot of bark and bite, but a softie when you know her. She had to hunch over to use her crutches, making her look smaller and weak. Shannon, a girl she had known forever. She looked so helpless and frail with the stitches in her head and the multiple bandages and gauzes on her arms. Dan and Ross weren't technically a part of her crew, but they were such kind souls, even with Ross' mischief. His dominant arm was broken, so he couldn't draw or write. He was bored out of his mind, and constantly looking for something to do. Dans stitches in his back ached, and he complained quite often, which was not a Dan thing to do. And Barry, the sweetest person she had met. How could she let that face go to war?
She looked back at the captain and sighed. "I'm sorry, sir, but they need time to recover, and they're not soldiers like your men. I don't think I can send them out."
Rex hesitated for a moment. Then, he nodded. "I understand. I was in your shoes once. Thank you for your support yesterday." He took in a confident breath and gave a fraction of a smile. "Good day, ladies. Gentlemen." Red's crew saluted and nodded as he saluted back and walked off the boat and onto the boardwalk.
"I'll be right back," Ross whispered to Shannon as he walked back into their cabin. She didn't even hear or see Alex walk up to her, until she turned back around to see him standing right in front of her. "Hello," he said. Shannon could feel her cheeks heat up. "Hi, Alex." She replied. "How's your arm?"
The girl rolled up his sleeve to reveal not a flesh arm with a large gash, but instead a mechanical arm made of brass and multiple wires. Alex was able to move his fingers, and opened and closed the metal hand into a first, sending Shannon into a trance of awe and interest. "That's amazing.. Kinda sorta," she said. She held his metal hand and bent the fingers, amazed at how they moved. After a bit, he intertwined his fingers with hers, taking her by surprise. He chuckled, and glanced at her scar on her forehead. "How'd that happen?" He asked.
She was about to speak and tell the story when he leaned down and kissed her forehead ever so gently on her stitches, smirking as he felt her heat up.
"Ahem," Ross said, standing behind Shannon with his arms crossed, unpleased. Alex met his gaze and gave him an apologetic look. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know-"
"Get." Ross spat. Shannon gave the soldier a sorry look as he nodded, walking off. She shuddered as Ross wrapped his arms around her waist protectively.
Alex tapped on Oliver's shoulder, who had followed him aboard and was talking with Red. He spoke some words, then they both waved to the crew as the two soldiers left and boarded their rightful ship.


Everyone hated playing poker with Ross, even if this was their second time playing together as a crew. He always won, even though he didn't know how to play in the slightest. After some groaning as he claimed the pot, Dan spoke up. "Captain?"
"You can call me Red, Dan. I don't mind."
"Right, sorry. Red, why.." He stopped to clear his throat. "Why didn't you draft us?" The group went silent with curiosity, glancing up at Red as she thought. "I.." She began. Then she signed.
"I was told that were many casualties at mainland. I didn't want you guys to add to that number." The group nodded, each mentally thanking Red for her compassion. "Besides," she added, "I wouldn't want a better crew."
Dan and Ross looked at each other, then back at Red. "But.." They said together. Red smiled and held up a finger, cutting them off.
"That can be arranged, lads."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2016 ⏰

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