Twelve ©

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I jumped on the bus and tapped my oyster card before smiling at the driver and making my way upstairs. I sat down and went on Facebook. I was talking to people from Brooklyn. That’s when I realised I actually missed Brooklyn. I was about to log off when a message popped up. I quickly opened it.

Midnight Quinns:

Rockelle aint you missing your old man? You must be really enjoying yourself if you aint coming home.  Just call me so I know that you’re safe yeah.

I deleted it before smiling. At least he actually cared about me. I called him and waited



“Midnight speaking and if you aint my daughter hang up now...” I laughed.

“It’s me daddy...don’t be mad at me.” I started

“Rockelle...where are you?” He asked.

“I’m...don’t be mad but I flew back down to London.”  I moved the phone away as he shouted down the phone.

I looked around to see some boy looking at me.  I got scared and looked away. It was my stop, I got off and so did the boy. I put my phone back to my ear.

“You done yet pops?”  I asked.

“How you gon’ disrespect me like that Rocky?” I knew I had hurt his feelings.

“I’m sorry daddy but Brooklyn’s dangerous. You’re always busy. I get tired of just sitting down doing nothing. Something happened that day I And plus I didn’t disrespect you. I DID go to see my friends In London.” I stated.

“How did you pay for the ticket Rocky?” He asked.

“Your credit card. Look I’m sorry for not telling you daddy. But Brooklyn aint safe for me. Well I don’t feel safe anyways.” I explained.

“Remember what I told you Rockelle. Your safe as long as your with me.”

“But that’s the thing...You weren’t there. When I got attacked...” I had to tell him. “Raped daddy...”

The phone went silent.

“Give me that f*ckers address and name.” I told him what he wanted to hear.

“Look daddy, I’m sorry but I like it here. I have friends...I’ll come visit you every couple of months Aite? And tell Big Mike I said thanks.”

“Your a good girl Rocky.”

“Thanks. Stop hurting people. I’ll call you later.” I put my phone away and knocked on the door.

Malakai opened.

“Ay look its Basalt!” He shouted. He pulled me in and rubbed my stomach.

“Stop it Malakai.” I flicked his nose and we walked into the living room. Everyone turned to us. I heard someone kiss their teeth. I looked around to see Kadisha sitting on Hayden’s lap. My anger rose.

“Mum can Rockelle stay for abit?”  Malakai asked.
 “Course.” One of the girls in the room said. I smiled at her.

“Thank you.” I said as I took a seat.  I could feel Hayden watching me. I looked up to see him look at my stomach and then Malakai.

“Nice to see you again Rocky.” De’Troy said while walking into the room and kissing Coury’s cheek.

“Daddy, I need money.” Coury said while waving at everyone

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