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I walked up and down the ward as Hayden attempted to comfort me.

“She’ll be fine Rocky. She’s got you as a mum so obviously she’s a fighter.” Hayden said.

I ignored him while looking out the window.

“What is going on in there? They’ve been working on her for over an hour now.” I said as the tears dropped down my face.

“She’ll be fine. Let me go check.” He kissed my forehead before stepping into the room.

I slid onto the floor and played with the piglet teddy that I picked up from her crib.

Why? Why?

I pulled my hair but stopped when I felt my phone vibrating.

I picked it up and looked at the number. I moved my thumb slowly to the red button. I stopped when I realised it was an American number.

“Hello?” I said while wiping my tears.

“Rocky? Rockelle.” I heard.

“POPS!” I shouted before stepping outside.

“How you doing baby girl?” He asked.

“I’m fine daddy. Boy have I missed you.” I said while sniffing the toy.

“I’ve missed you too baby girl. How’s London treating you? No boys are harassing you are they?”  He asked as I laughed.


“Good, I dealt with that boy Wesley by the way.” He stated.

“What how? What did you do to him daddy? Just tell me that you didn’t kill him.”

“I didn’t kill him. Just dealt with him. Anyways enough of that...when you coming back home? To Brooklyn. It’s your ma’s anniversary soon.”

How could I forget?

“How could I forget pops? I do wanna come back to Brooklyn. But to stay. London aint doing anything for me.” I stated while rubbing my hands and looking around. I noticed Hayden staring at me with a look on his face. “Daddy, can I speak to you later? I’m kind of busy right now.”  I said before hanging up.

I walked up to him.

“What did they say?” I asked.

“I think it would better if they told you yourself.” My mouth dropped. Was it that bad? I nodded and rushed into the room she was in.

“Whats going on? Whats going on with my baby?” I asked.

“Calm down Miss Quinns. It’s a good thing you brought little Emelia-Rose to us when you did. As you can see she has red splotches all over her body.” The doctor said as I nodded slowly.

“Yeah, I don’t get it. What about them?” I asked.

“Well, if they had developed it would be something we call severe bacterial meningitis. But thankfully you brought her to us on time.” He said.

“So what did you find? And what could have happened if it went on?” I said while standing over the crib that Emi was lying in.

“Well Emelia has minor bacterial meningitis. This was developing but came about faster due to an allergic reaction. To what were not sure. We can sort this out and give her the medication needed. If we don’t take action now within 24 hours it could develop into severe bacterial meningitis which could the lead to Septicemiawhich then could lead toher losing the limbs from her elbows down and the limbs from her knees down.” I gasped. “Or worse dead...” I cried.

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