Thirty Two- #Christmas Special

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Weeks later.

“Baby, I’m going now aite.” Tristan said while walking to the lift of the room with Asten.

“Aint you gonna eat breakfast with us?” I asked as he picked up his dance bag.

“Nah, I’m already late babes. I’m just going to drop Asten off at Ramel’s then make my way to dance.” 

“Oh but don’t be late home. Hayden’s Christmas parties start at 8 aite?” I kissed him and walked into Emi’s room. We upgraded to the penthouse since we were going to stay a couple of months longer.

“Emi wake up, time to go Christmas shopping!” I jumped on her bed.

“Ma man! How old are you dang!”

“Oh aite, I thought you might wanna go see Damien today!” She jumped up.

“I’m up! I’m up.” Damien was Hayden’s son. She ran into the bathroom and I sat down on my phone. I felt a vibration and opened up the text.


Morning beautiful

Hope you have a great day.

Years gone past and I still love you.

I know you love me too,

Don’t lie.

Malakai x


I smiled.

It was the truth. I did still love him but the love I had for Tristan overpowered it.

Emi walked back out.

“I’m ready mom!”


“Ooh these are nice! Ma, these are nice!” Emi said while holding up some patent laced up wedges.

“Ooh there beautiful. But I got you suede ones back in Brooklyn and you’ve never worn them, what makes you think I’m gon’ get these for you?” I asked

“Cos you love me, and you left your son in my room and he ruined my iPad.”

“Now whose fault was that huh?” I picked up the shoes and made my way to the counter.

“Hey!” I said while grinning.

“How can I help you ma’am?”

“I need these in a size 7.” I smiled

She nodded and came back in minutes later with a shoe box. I thanked her and walked back up to Emelia.

“Oooh Rosé look what I got MmmHmm.” She put her hands out with a grin.

I put the box down and took the shoes out before pulling one on my foot.

“How does it look?”

“Ma, what are you doing?”

“Trying on my new shoes!”


“Why you shouting?”

“Ma man,” She got up before walking out. I got up and paid for another pair before leaving.

She was standing outside with her phone in hand.

“Hold this.” She took it out of my hand before walking off.  We stepped into River Island.

“Ma, look at that dress.”

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