Forty Eight

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"Tristan, what are you doing here?" I said while looking at my phone to see that the call was still running.

I turned around so my back was facing him and tightened the robe before speaking into the phone.

"Tamera, ah let me call you back please, this is urgent," I spoke down the phone.

"Its okay, just call me back later on tonight." Tamera said.

"Of course, around 7" with that I hung up and watched Tristan's every movement.

"So Rocky, how you been?" Tristan asked while fingering the mirror on my vanity table.

"Why are you here Tristan? We aint together anymore.". I questioned while sitting on the bed crossed legged.

"We may not be together, but as long as my child is living with you and as long my name is on this house, I can come and go as I please" Tristan said while laying down on the bed beside me. I felt his hand rub my thigh and I moved away slightly.

"So what are you trying to say?" I asked him while looking down at his hands which where still close to my legs.

"I am not going to spend another $500 plus a night for a hotel room when my crib is right here. So here's what I'm saying aite? You can stay here, in our room and I'll take the guest room or you can leave to save the awkwardness or whatever you wanna call it . You've got 2hours to make a decision" 

My heart dropped.


I placed the key into the lock and turned it. We stepped sightly back as we took in our surroundings,

This was our new home. It was a dump. But then again beggars aren't choosers.

"Ma, what is this , this...uh thing?" Emelia asked while holding onto Damien extra tight, she looked like she was scared to let him down. 

I placed Nahla in the cleanest part of the room. Could I really force myself and my kids to live in this dump they called a hostel.

"This is our new home Emi, well temporarily it is. Ast what do you think?" I asked as I dragged our stuff into the middle of our room.

"I refuse to stay here ma, im calling pops" Ast said while bringing out his phone. I grabbed it out of his hands.

"NO! You wont tell your father where were staying at. Do ya understand?" I asked feeling stressed.

"Alright, chill ma. But on a serious note mom, i cant be raising my 1 year old n this dump. Why cant we just live with grandpa?" Emi asked while sitting on her suitcase.

"Because we can't. Im 30 years old, i cant be living off my dad. i have ben doing that for a majority of my life , i need to know how to live on my own." 

"Well, I'm sorry ma. I haven't got Damien here to help me out Junior and you won't help me, so i'm going to Grandpops house as soon as possible."

i didn't know what to say to that. It would be easier to sort myself out without having the kids around. 

I nodded before sorting out our sleeping arrangements.


I shivered as i stepped out of the shower.A cold shower, since the water boiler broke down. This was my 4th week in this place and i refused to live like this. I couldn't do this ever again, i grew up in a rich household, always had money at my feet, i wasn't used to living like this. 

Asten, Nahla, Emi and Jnr had gone back to live with Tristan. I couldn't put myself to go back to was to save myself from embarrassment and save the little bit of dignity that i had left. I dried myself with the towel that had been heated up with my hair drier whist i was in the shower.

Was this the type of life i wanted to be living?


I locked up my suitcases, placing them underneath my bed with any valuables that i had near by. 

I grabbed my side bag before leaving and doubling locking the front door.

The security hee was really bad, i had already been robbed 3 times. I was tired of it.

I left the building sending my greetings to the door man.

I jogged lightly towards my car before jumping in. 

I put the key into the ignition and sparked it up. Silence. I sat there with a look of confusion on my face before trying again, only to be met with the same reaction.

What was going on?

I got out of my car and opened up the bonnet.

My heart literally popped out of my mouth. 

My engine had been stolen. I took off my shoes and ran towards the entrance of the hostel.

"Frank, Frank! I need your help!" I said as tears ran down my face.

'Whats wrong Miss Quinns?" Frank asked as i dropped to the floor. Bad things just seemed to happen to me , one after another.

 "I've been robbed," I said as he helped me up.


"Yes again!" I said as he pulled me towards the lifts to take me up the lift. "No, outside" we rushed to my car and i lifted up my bonnet.

"Oh Lord, have mercy, you know i can't do anything about this." Frank said.

" I know but...please whatever you can do. I'm late for work." I handed him my car keys and ran off. I ran all the way to work with my shoes in my hands. i thanked God that the Hostel was quite near to work. 

I quickly pulled on my shoes as i walked into the office. I sighed as everyone went silent and just watched me make my way to my seperate office. 

I slammed the door behind me and just cried my eyes out on the desk. I heard the door open and looked up to see Chyna watching me.

"Yes?" I asked.

"Was just coming to see if your alright?" Chyna asked.

"I'm great just great." I said through gritted teeth.

She rolled her eyes before walking out,

i turned on the pc and got down to work. This was going to be a long day.


It was the end of the ay and i was making my way back 'home'."ROCKY! ROCKY, slow down" I turned around slowly to see Jerome park up beside me.

"Let me take you home" I smiled at him before jumping into his car. 

"Thank you"

"Aint a thang" He replied while driving off.

We made small talk as I done my best to direct him to the hostel. Once we reached the entrance he shook his head.

"What is this Rocky?"

"I'd rather not get into it, Jerome. Its a long story, but to cut it short, this is my new home. Thank you for this" I jumped out and leant over before planting a kiss on his cheek.

"Get back into the car Rocky, i am not letting you stay here. Your coming back to mine " He said while turning his engine off.

"No, no. I dont want to intrude I'm fine seriously." I turned to walk off slowly. 

"Rocky get in, I'm taking you back to mine. No ifs no buts. We'll come and collect your stuff later."

Filled With Pain ©Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora