M a p l e L e a v e s A n d R o s y P e t a l s

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Each word they uttered struck her,

hard enough

to leave deeply carved scars.

Each word they uttered slid off their tongues,

while hers

sat caught in her throat.

She couldn't find her voice,

it had tucked itself neatly into the corners of her sorrow

and her anguish.

She had no choice but to sit still paralyzed with her dark thoughts

that roamed freely through her mind.

They painfully singled her out from amidst the crowd,

causing wandering and dirty stares to be directed right at her.

Their razor sharp gazes burnt holes through her painfully

causing her to feel opaque

like a shard of glass

cracks running through like lighting strikes

Electrifying and exuberant.

Her heart thirstily yearned to be accepted by the people around her

she wanted a way to fit in.

But she was strange to them

and the idea of strange perhaps not excited them,

rather buried their minds in constant worry

and a

great want for grasping power and superiority.

What she didn't know was that she was much like a leaf,

while they were the petals of the vibrant flowers that grew in small pots

on her windowsill.

It was much too easy to love a flower

for its beauty was always on show.

To the eye,

a leaf was just a remnant from what a tree was made up of.

Nothing too special

nor exciting.

No one ever noticed the maple colours that painted themselves

onto the leaf as the green left,

helping to accommodate for the drastically different climates that welcomed

themselves with the ever changing seasons.

It was easy to love a flower,

for its delicate beauty.

But it was a challenge to love something

that is shed and is the byproduct

that many do not find beauty in at all.

She was the leaf that many


stepped on

and tore

with the soles of their feet.

My dear,

What you don't realise is that you aren't like them,

you weren't meant to be.

although there is beauty in normality

there is great beauty in being different too.


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