S t o r m s

20 2 0

A storm brews as daylight disperses
tainted in a violet hue.
Dark clouds overshadow the light
and i can't help but shudder
as the cold creeps within my chest.

The trees shake with a newfound ferocity
that has people cowering away
In search of shelter
and a safe place.

Thunder has not yet crackled but I am in wait
for when it fills the sky
with its booming war cry.
Maybe then I will rid my mind
of its shackles and rusty chains
that have withstood the weather of a thousand years.

I will let go, and allow my mind to mirror that of a brewing storm
and let these thoughts roam free.
Hear the screams of my mind through the endless strikes of lighting
witness these thoughts pour to the ground
and feed your livestock,
this mind of mine cannot be contained
it yearns to fight through all the barriers behind
which it has been placed.

I shudder once again,
before unleashing the fury that's brewed inside me for years.

Starry night skies (completed)Where stories live. Discover now