H u e

18 4 0

As the darkness of the night files in
the icy breeze of the night
begins to work its way around every surface,
I find myself situated
beside my open window.
The light of the moon creates a soft glow
that illuminates half of my room
but the other half is cemented in darkness.
My heart beats are even
they match my even breaths.
I ponder upon everything
and feel myself dissolve into the darkness
as I pull forward my curtains.
It's baffling how the darkness can be scary sometimes,
petrifying even.
But other times,
the darkness is a comforting blanket
and it cradles those around it.
I find that the darkness speaks to me
and it reads
words that hover in my mind
and latch onto my heart.
I understand all it says,
because we are of the same kind.
I am the darkness
as it pools into my eyes
as it runs in my veins,
turning my blood dark.
It is in my poetry
and in my words.
I am darkness,
I am a  h u e.

Starry night skies (completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang