D a y s

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Jinn_hijabi I felt like tagging you in my poetry I don't know why :)

Some days you'll feel like the entire worlds weight
is pressing against your chest –
you'll feel like your heart hangs on barbed wire
and your chest is on fire in its absence.
You'll feel the pain split passageways within you
and shackle your mind in bitter darkness as you revel
in loneliness and longing.
Other days, you'll find a numbness irking
your chest, poking holes within it,
in the hopes of feeling any buzz of emotion
that'll let you know you're still alive and functioning.
But on the better days,
you'll find greenery sprouting in the midst
of your hollow chest –
you'll find that the rain feeds your soul
and blossoms flowers between your fingers
and between strands of your hair.
You'll fall in love with life
and azure skies clear of any clouds
and with 5 pm sunsets, coral in hue.
You'll feel the heartbeat that sings
within the crevice of your chest and on such days,
you'll truly feel alive.

Starry night skies (completed)Where stories live. Discover now