R o s e

16 4 0

As he admired the rose between his palms,
he thought about how much it reminded him
of her.
His heart tore into two
his throat clogged with heartbreak and sorrow,
as he reminisced over the memories
she had left behind
before being torn away from this cruel world.
His heart continued to pain with every memory
his body quivered in longing.
He wanted to see the smiles on her face again,
hold her and tell her it would all be okay.
His gaze again landed on the rose
he began to tremble.
His hands shook violently
and tears fell out of his eyes.
Roses had always been her favourite flowers.
As he ran his fingers along the soft petals,
he was reminded of the softness of her pale skin.
As his fingers stubbed the thorns,
he felt his heart constrict at how
she was hesitant to let him in at first,
so he took the thorns off,
one by one,
stripping the rose of its protection.
remained only the naked stalk
and the rose
looked eerily incomplete in his destructive hands.
The stalk reminded him of her slim and weak figure
as her disease wore her thin.
He then took to taking each petal off until,
only a chalky bud remained.
It reminded him of how
she had lost all her hair during her treatment,
just like he had taken the petals off the rose.
He was left with nothing but green
and in his anger,
he grabbed the petals between
his large palm
and applied force.
As he opened his palm,
he fought the urge to breakdown,
as he saw the faint red tinge on
his palm.
The rose had left a mark.
Just like she had.
as he let the crushed petals fall to the ground,
he looked down and saw the remnants of the rose.
He had absolutely destroyed it.
In the same way Rose's death had destroyed him when she left
this world.

if you didn't end up figuring it out, the girl who left him was named Rose 🌹

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