P e t a l s

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My lovely flower,
your petals have withstood years
of storms
that screamed profanities
and wore you thin.
You stood firm within
the soil
that slowly eroded away
with the hot breaths
of your enemy
as they shouted words that dulled
your lively soul.
At points you wilted
but as you slowly collected
fresh droplets of water
you rose up
from the shadows of your
own despair.
Soon they grew bored
because you didn't taunt them back,
rather you stayed quiet,
as you silently tended to
the wounds that crackled within
your hollow chest
with the little hope that remained.
The years staged an abundance of growth
within you
and every time you looked in the mirror
you saw progress —
happiness sprouted in the darkest parts of you
that were very slowly decorated by
vibrant petals
that glowed with a newfound goodness.
You found a getaway within yourself,
away from the cruelty of the world that questioned
your happiness
and threatened to take it away from you.
You lost yourself as you gazed at the garden
you had created within you,
you smiled at the dozens of 
                       p e t a l s
that decorated your figure
and filled your hollow chest.

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