I A m

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You cage me;
I am trapped without escape.
I am a tender wound,
and audio recording of everything you left
I am your loneliness
I am your darkness.
I am every disaster
that has encountered your being,
I am the murderous thoughts
that have
leaked through the unbearable chamber
that you call your mind,
I am.
You have shaped me,
you have moulded me,
you have watched me with bloodshot eyes
a faraway mind.
You have watched me with blooded fingertips-
but you did not care.
Until suddenly every piece you
had broken me into adorned the floor beautifully.
I saw the hurt look in your eyes
and the pain
as it etched itself into every one of your features,
as one of my pieces dug deep into your soft flesh
and blood oozed out of the wound.
I am broken - by you.
But somewhere,
I turned around and broke you too.

Starry night skies (completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant